
Welcome to Hasty Book List, where I document and review the books I read. Hope you have a nice stay!

James Brabazon

James Brabazon

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Author I draw inspiration from: At the moment: Geoffrey Household, author of Rogue Male

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Favorite place to read a book: By a roaring fire on a cold night

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Constance Chatterley

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Author Interview - James Brabazon

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: In primary school, writing unsuitable stories for a ten-year-old about fast cars and PIs

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback. But being read to is magical

The last book I read: War Music: An Account of Homer’s Iliad by Christopher Logue

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Pen & paper or computer: Pen and paper for notes; computer for the hard graft

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: William, Danny’s father from Danny Champion of the World… so I could introduce his son to mine.

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Author Interview - James Brabazon

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Gambler

Favorite decade in history: The 1930s: Hemingway in Paris; the hope of the International Brigades; jazz in Harlem; Patrick Leigh Fermor walking to Constantinople; the fight against tyranny; the blues. The crucible that forged my grandparents’ resolve and their humility. On the shoulders of giants…

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Author Interview - James Brabazon

Place I’d most like to travel: The Underworld (return ticket only please)

My signature drink: The Break Line martini, of course - as served in the Club at the Ivy, London: one ounce vodka, one ounce poteen, a dash of dry vermouth and a drop of absinthe (that’s the break line…). Stirred. Serve very cold straight up with a twist. Always obey the Amsterdam Rule: in one sitting drink only as many as you have fingers on your left hand.

Favorite artist: Caravaggio

Number one on my bucket list: To fly a victory roll in a Spitfire over the White Cliffs of Dover

Anything else you'd like to add: A massive “thank you” to everyone who inspired, cajoled, bribed and believed in me when I wrote The Break Line.


More places to find James Brabazon: Twitter: @james_brabazon

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
The Break Line

The Break Line

Emma Rous

Emma Rous