Francesca Hornak


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Francesca Hornak

Francesca Hornak

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Author I draw inspiration from: Lorrie Moore

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Favorite place to read a book: On trains and in the bath

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Nora Ephron’s autobiographical character in Heartburn.

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

By Nora Ephron
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The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I can’t remember one moment, by the time I was five I knew the word ‘author’ and that I wanted to be one. But in my teens I got sidetracked by magazines, and went off the idea of writing books. I only came back to it in the last few years, when I turned 30.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback

The last book I read: Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Caroline Bender in The Best Of Everything by Rona Jaffe

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

Author Interview - Francesca Hornak

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: A journalist (I am!)

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 70s (as in Talitha Getty, not The Good Life).

Place I’d most like to travel: Morocco

My signature drink: Lapsang Souchong

Favorite artist: Eric Ravilious

Number one on my bucket list: Visiting Graceland

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