Emilie Richards
Author Interview - Emilie Richards
Author of The House Guests
Cassie Costas and her rebellious stepdaughter Savannah, have just moved to Tarpon Springs, FL, home of Cassie's large Greek-American family. When Amber Blair and her teenage son are suddenly homeless because of Savannah's misdeeds, the newly widowed Cassie invites the family to move in. But has she made a mistake? At the same time she is slowly discovering the truth about her husband's secret life, Amber is keeping secrets of her own. Will those turn deadly for all of them?
Author Interview - Emilie Richards
Author I draw inspiration from: Too many to name
Favorite place to read a book: In bed before I go to sleep.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Michelle Obama (Becoming)
Author Interview - Emilie Richards
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When my short story was censored in third grade because the clue to a mystery was a bloody handprint on the wall.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: All the above
The last book I read: The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate and The Searcher by Tana French--one on audio, the other on my eReader.
Author Interview - Emilie Richards
Pen & paper or computer: A computer always.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Wanda Gray, a character in all three of my Happiness Key novels because she's an amazing pie baker and not afraid to express her opinions or feelings.
Author Interview - Emilie Richards
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A marriage and family counselor--which I trained to be and got sidetracked
Favorite decade in fashion history: Unlike most people I view the sixties with nostalgia. Lots of color and prints, soft, comfortable dresses and embroidered jeans and shirts. It was a time to be creative and practice your own design skills..
Place I’d most like to travel: I'd like to go back to Morocco (especially Marrakech) and spend more time traversing the country.
My signature drink: I would be very unhappy to live without iced tea--with extra lemon, of course.
Favorite artist: I love folk art, especially bright, happy, quilts.
Number one on my bucket list: Walking the Cotswolds, something I've wanted to do for years.
Find more from the author:
Author Bio: https://emilierichards.com/bio/ (this bio is the most fun.)