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Elom Akoto

Elom Akoto

Author Interview - Elom Akoto

Author of Blindspot in America

Blindspot in America gives a provocative depiction of some of the realities immigrants face in the United States—racism and discrimination—but also their hopes and faith in a country that promises freedom and opportunity to all.

Kamao is the son of a prominent Ghanaian academic and incumbent minister of health and is devoted to all that America symbolizes. After immigrating to the United States in pursuit of higher education and the American Dream, he becomes unwittingly entangled with American politics when he meets Lindsey McAdams, the daughter of an influential, anti-immigration senator. As the couple’s feelings grow, so too does the senator’s animosity toward Kamao. Despite support from fellow immigrants Lazo, Ayefumi, and Dania—who follow American Dreams of their own—Kamao soon finds himself drawn into intrigues hidden from the American public that make him question himself and his adopted country. When Kamao is implicated in a murder, Lindsey’s loyalties are tested, Dania must decide if she is willing to risk her own future and security for the sake of justice, and Kamao discovers how far he’ll go to fulfill his American Dream.

Author I draw inspiration from:

I find inspiration in the works of authors like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Her stories that relate immigrants’ voices resonate with me, in particular.

Author Interview - Elom Akoto | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

I like reading in quiet places in nature: under trees, while enjoying the sweet melody of birds singing; by the lake or near a river. When I can’t do that, I read in the room or on the balcony. It’s still fulfilling.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

I have loved storytelling since I was a young boy. I remember that at night, especially when school was out, my brothers, sisters, other neighborhood kids, and I would gather with some grown-ups, like my mother, who told us stories that their parents and grandparents had told them when they were younger. It was the time of black-and-white TV, and owning one was a privilege in the early 1980s in West Africa. So, we had plenty of time to share stories as we grew up, and I was pretty good at coming up with new ones with little effort.

In 7th grade, my French teacher once told the class, while handing back our graded papers, that they had a future writer among them, pointing at me. When I asked him two days later why he said I would become a writer, he explained that it was easy to tell from my papers, the way I told stories and formed sentences.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I like paperbacks, because they’re easy to manipulate, and I like turning physical pages instead of scrolling.

The last book I read:

The last book I read was Transcendent Kingdom, by Yaa Gyasi. The book gives a powerful depiction of our powerlessness as humans in the face of hardship. And sometimes even science and medicine cannot provide the solution we hope for, and we must turn back to our faith to look for an answer.

Author Interview - Elom Akoto | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

Computer: It’s easier to manipulate. Writing flows better with a computer, as I can type and delete with a few movements of the fingers without leaving any mess. With advanced technology, I can save my work without too much fear of losing it.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

I would be best friends with Edmond Dantes, the protagonist of The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas. Through Edmond’s personal story, I came to understand that if we have the willingness to learn, we can train our mind and make it the most powerful weapon a man can possess. I learned from him that knowledge is power, and it’s the last thing that you’ll be left with when everything else is taken away from you.

Author Interview - Elom Akoto | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

Teaching is my other calling besides being a writer. I’ve been doing it for years and I’m sure I’ll continue teaching for many years to come.

Place I’d most like to travel:

I would love to travel to some islands in the South Pacific such as Bora Bora, Tahiti, Moorea, and others. I love the geography, the history, and the cultures of that part of the world.

Favorite artist:

My favorite actor is Kiefer Sutherland. I loved his portrayal of Jack Bauer in the 24 series. He played that character so well that I almost believed that Jack Bauer, the loyal, misunderstood, and “rogue” federal agent, really did exist!

Number one on my bucket list:

I yearn to write bestselling novels, and I believe I’m on the path to fulfilling that dream.

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.instagram.com/elomkakoto/

  • https://www.elomakoto.com

  • https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073241920196

About Elom Akoto:

Author Interview - Elom Akoto

Elom K. Akoto immigrated to the United States from Togo (West Africa). He earned a bachelor’s degree in Education and a master’s degree in TESOL (Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages). He is the founder of Learn and Care, a nonprofit organization that aims to promote Literacy and Adult Education, not only among immigrants but also among Native Americans who missed the opportunity to earn a high school diploma. The program offers ESL, literacy, GED preparation classes, and more. He self-published two ESL workbooks: Ideal Companion, ESL level 1 and Ideal Companion, ESL level 2. He teaches French in a high school and ESL at a community college in Omaha, Nebraska, where he lives with his family.

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