Author Interview - Elizabeth R Kipp


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Elizabeth R Kipp

Elizabeth R Kipp

Author Interview - Elizabeth R Kipp

Author of The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power.

“This book is for chronic pain sufferers and those who care for them: doctors, nurses, family members, and friends. It offers proven techniques to clear pain and live a life free from suffering, from a former chronic pain sufferer who searched the globe for answers—and found them.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Brene Brown

Favorite place to read a book: in a comfortable chair

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Obi-Wan Kenobi

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I realized what a problem chronic pain was currently in the world

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: paperback and ebook (audiobook in prep)

The last book I read: In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounter with Addiction by Dr. Gabor Mate

Pen & paper or computer: both

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Winnie-the-Pooh

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: an aspiring author

Favorite decade in fashion history: I love them all for their character

Place I’d most like to travel: Alaska

My signature drink: pure water with a squeeze of lime

Favorite artist: Vincent Van Gogh

Number one on my bucket list: Rocky Mountain National Park

Anything else you'd like to add: Favorite book: Jonathan Livingstone Seagull

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Author Bio: Elizabeth R Kipp is a best-selling author, Health Facilitator, Yoga-Informed Recovery Coach, Ancestral Clearing Practitioner, Bilateral EFT/Tapping Practitioner, and certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher (RYT/IKYTA/Yoga Alliance). She specializes in stress and chronic pain management. She has a diverse background in plant science, agriculture, ecology, environmental studies, and remote sensing. She holds a B.S.Ag. in plant science from the Univ. of Delaware with an emphasis on agriculture, soil science, and plant ecology. She pursued an M.S. in environmental studies at the University of Kansas with an emphasis on remote sensing, ecology, and environmental resource analysis. She has done basic and applied research and has authored and co-authored a number of peer-reviewed research papers.

Elizabeth Kipp is a long-time seeker of truths with a foot each in the spiritual and scientific worlds. Her life experiences and training enable her to bridge the gap between these two worlds.
In the months following the birth of her son in 1982, Elizabeth’s burgeoning professional career was cut short by the emergence of a structural weakness in her low spine. She spent the next 31 years in and out of hospitals in pursuit of a way to stabilize her spine and find freedom from the persistent pain resulting from an old injury.
Her deep connection to the spiritual world supported her through childhood trauma, multiple surgeries, decades of prescribed medications, addiction, and a long persistent search for modalities that would help her to heal. In 2015 Elizabeth entered a pain management program where she was able to free herself of the chronic pain cycle and find a way to live a life free of suffering.

Now in recovery, Elizabeth helps people to step into the power of their own healing. She has turned her attention as a patient advocate in service to the alarmingly high population of people who suffer from or are in recovery from chronic pain.
Her most recent book publication is The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim your Healing Power.
You can find out more about Elizabeth at

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