Dede Peterson
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
Author I draw inspiration from: The very first author I drew inspiration from was E.B. White. CHARLOTTE’S WEB was the first book I ever fell in love with, and White’s use of personification led me to see human characteristics in animals ever since.
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
Favorite place to read a book: In the daytime, I like to snuggle up on the couch with a cozy blanket next to my pooch. At bedtime I read every night before going to sleep, with the same 45 lb. long-legged pooch between my husband and me.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Willy Wonka. He’s absolutely magical!
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: This is kind of a funny story. About five years ago, the company my husband works for decided to do a community outreach program with Scott Air Force Base in IL. My husband and I offered to take books to the Base Library, (one book for each child in the summer reading program) and we would read the book aloud to the kids during story time. The phrase “Necessity is the mother of invention,” really came to fruition for us. We learned that there were at least 45 kids in the program, so I decided to write a booklet rather than go to the bookstore and purchase 45 books. Our booklet was a hit! That was the first of four booklets that we’ve done for the summer reading program. My husband helps by giving me wonderful ideas to write about and he also does a fabulous job as the puppeteer during the readings. We decided to self-publish JULIANNE’S BIG MOVE when a reading specialist from the St. Louis public school system reached out to me with interest in purchasing a set of books for her classroom.
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Yes! All of them. There’s nothing I love more than a brand spanking new hardback book, but I also enjoy the ease of taking a paperback along with me to appointments. Right now I’m carrying around DARING GREATLY by Brene Brown. I love my iPad for reading at bedtime. Currently, I’m reading Fredrik Backman’s MY GRANDMOTHER ASKED ME TO TELL YOU SHE’S SORRY. A really suspenseful audiobook can make a road trip go by so fast. We recently listened to Lisa Gardner’s FIND HER on our way to Colorado and back and it kept us on the edge of our seats.
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
The last book I read: Unraveling Oliver by Liz Nugent was a gem of a page-turning psychological thriller. It was the perfect book for the nature vs. nurture debate in our recent book club discussion.
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
Pen & paper or computer: I begin my rough draft with a pen and paper, then I edit on my MacBook Air.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I love this question! I think Winnie the Pooh is the best friend a soul could ever ask for.
Author Interview - Dede Peterson
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I would be a tour planner/travel guide.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I just finished watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and I adored every article of clothing worn in the series. It’s set in the late 50’s.
Place I’d most like to travel: There are so many places I want to explore! Morocco, Normandy, France, Tuscany, and Egypt are all places I would love to see. I think number one on my list of must see places, though, is Israel.
My signature drink: Sweet tea or Diet Gingerale on a regular basis. If I’m having a cocktail, it’s a French Martini.
Favorite artist: I like the Impressionists; Monet and Renoir are two favorites. My new favorite artist, however, is Suzy Lorenz: the illustrator in my new book. She’s fabulous!
Number one on my bucket list: I would love to be baptized in the Jordan River.
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