Author Interview with Cheryl Babirad


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Cheryl Babirad

Cheryl Babirad

Author Interview - Cheryl Babirad

Author of I Did My Best- Book 1 in the Jennifer Ella Rose Series

Jennifer Ella Rose is starting Kindergarten today! This is her first big adventure outside her comfortable world with her Mama, her brother and her dog Pete. Her best friends won’t be starting with her because they’re younger. Jennifer is about to learn that not everyone in this new world is friendly and not every attempt is successful! However, Jennifer’s Mama taught her a valuable philosophy-Always do the best you can and everything will turn out alright!
Jennifer tries to make a new friend in her class to no avail. The other girl just makes faces at her even when Jennifer tries to calm her when she is crying, but Jennifer realizes she has done the best she can to be the other little girl’s friend and moves on to make another friend-a best friend with whom she shares stories, snack and laughter!
When Jennifer finishes passing out feathers for a special project, she realizes that she doesn’t have the variety of colors she needs for her own. She is shy about approaching the teacher so she does the best she can and puts her own together with the one color that she has. The teacher tells her she did not follow directions but Jennifer knows she did her best and Mama loves it because it was made with love.

The best friendship that does develop and the confidence that comes from persistence with a difficult decision in completing a task, point to a life lesson for developing minds.

This enjoyable children’s story could easily be a confidence builder and motivator for a lesson in always doing the best you can in every situation you encounter.

Author I draw inspiration from:

Letty Sustrin. I loved her book, "The Teacher Who Wouldn't Retire".

Author Interview - Cheryl Babirad | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

I love to read a book in a quiet room within my home.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

I guess if I were to be stuck in an elevator with a book character, that character would be Pippi Longstocking. I enjoyed reading books about her adventures when I was a little girl, and then in later years I read those books to my own children and my students. I loved the first book most. Astrid Lindgren is the author of the books. I love Pippi Longstocking because of her confidence and imagination! I would imagine Pippi riding into the elevator on her horse with her monkey on her shoulder and pulling me up, because she has superhuman strength, onto her horse! We would go riding off on an adventure together!

Author Interview - Cheryl Babirad | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

I always loved to write stories when I was in elementary school. When I was in Junior High I had an assignment to write a poem. This carried over to college where I actually wrote poetry for sheer enjoyment and expression of my feelings of the moments. Teaching elementary school students, mostly kindergarten and first grade, writing and music played an integral part in my classroom since I play the piano too. My daughter came across writings of mine and encouraged me to write more and submit my writings for publishing. Being an author and writing for children, especially, has given me the opportunity to share childhood experiences and encourage self-confidence, imagination, and creativity in children to carry throughout their lives.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I like hardback best because I like the feel of a hard, solid and secure, forever-lasting book in my hands. Paperback wears out so easily, especially with little children and the more use it gets. Audio books, to me, are good if you have already ready the hardcover and visioned the action in your own mind, using your imagination. Then, I would appreciate hearing the author reading their own story to get their vision, their feelings behind their words.

The last book I read:

The last book I read was, "A Christmas Heart" by my daughter Christie Leigh Babirad. I loved it because I love Christmas and the idea of showing kindness to others, having a "Christmas Heart" all year long. I love books too that are based on people's travels like, "In-Transit Passenger" by my son, Robert Babirad. What is interesting to me is how he incorporates the history of places and how he relates the history, the adventures, and people he meets to possibilities within the readers' lives.

Author Interview - Cheryl Babirad | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

I like to write first with pen on paper, sometimes musical background( soft instrumental), sometimes just quiet with my memories. Lastly, I type my manuscript on the computer.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

I think I could be best friends with Lauren Graham. She is the author of, "Talking As Fast As I Can" because I like to talk and write about my experiences too. I like that she seems very natural, real and fun to be with

Author Interview - Cheryl Babirad | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

If I wasn't an author, I would still be a teacher of elementary school children, kindergarten, first and second grade children and encouraging reading, writing, music and art.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

.My favorite decade for fashion would be the seventies disco era.

Place I’d most like to travel:

I would like to travel again to the Caribbean because it was so calm and relaxing. The people were friendly and the life was layback.

My signature drink:

Bailey's Irish Cream, Seltzer with cranberry juice

Favorite artist:

Painting-Monet/Music-Andrea Bocelli, Mariah Carey, George Strait, Patsy Cline, Lou Christie

Number one on my bucket list:

I'd like to go on a cruise to nowhere, just for the easy, fun life on the ship!

Anything else you'd like to add:

I hope that everyone reads and enjoys my books as they are released, and look forward to their reactions. Thank you Ashley Hasty for this very enjoyable interview.

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Author Bio:

Cheryl Babirad lives on Long Island with her husband, son-Robert, daughter-Christie Leigh, and Jack Russell Terrier- Alistair. She earned her Master’s Degree in Education from Adelphi University and taught in the North Babylon School District, where she and her children grew up, for thirty-nine years! Cheryl taught Kindergarteners for most of those years, but also taught first and second graders. Cheryl loves reading, writing, and playing the piano, which she did daily in her classroom with the children who sang and danced along! She is forever grateful to God for the opportunity to teach and influence young lives in a positive way, her parents for the traditional values of faith and family they instilled in her, the dedicated educators who influenced her teaching early on, the many children who came into her life throughout her years of teaching and their parents, many of who are still in contact along with their sons and daughters!

Connect with Cheryl on social media!
Facebook: @AuthorCherylBabirad

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