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Caroline Kjos

Caroline Kjos

Author Interview - Caroline Kjos

Author of The Caterpillar Hotel

A grumpy guest has arrived at the extraordinary Caterpillar Hotel, and the welcoming staff are doing their best to make it the best experience possible. Follow Cody's transformative adventure from a grumpy guest with endless demands to a colorful butterfly filled with gratitude. This heartwarming story teaches valuable lessons about kindness and appreciation, reminding young readers that a change in attitude can lead to beautiful transformations. How will this grumpy caterpillar have a change of heart?

It is a wonderful story that embraces treating those who assist in customer service with respect and the importance of treating everyone with kindness. With bright and colorful illustrations, you are sure to read with a smile and a heart full of joy.

Author I draw inspiration from:

I don't know if there is one particular author, but more of a certain type of children's book that I drew inspiration from. I love children's books that teach the reader something or have a message to share. When I grew up, my parents always got me books that told imaginative stories and instilled valuable life lessons. Dr. Seuss is an author who has mastered this. "The Little Prince" is a beautiful story about love, friendship, and loss that stuck with me from the first reading and even more now as an adult. "Charlotte's Web" and "The Little Engine That Could" are also great examples. Books written for children that tell a fun story but teach them a thing or two along the way are the ones that have stayed with me throughout my life and inspired this story.

Author Interview - Caroline Kjos | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

In my oversized armchair in my living room while listening to classical music.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

I'd go with The Little Prince. He would have a lot of interesting stories to tell that I think would help pass the time and also put my current predicament (being stuck in an elevator) into perspective.

Author Interview - Caroline Kjos | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

I often have a general idea for something I think would make a good story, but I have never felt the motivation to sit down and write from beginning to end. I struggle with coming up with a fully flushed-out idea, and writing an entire novel seems daunting. I never considered writing a children's book specifically, but when "The Caterpillar Hotel" came to me, I wanted to write this story and share it with everyone. It never felt like a struggle or daunting.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I'm a traditional flip-through-the-pages-of-a-book fan. There's nothing like a nice hardback book. Although, I'm always interested in the cover design, so I usually take the protective slip off to preserve it. Paperback books are great for work commutes on public transportation. Both are great for the beach or outdoor reading. Ebooks are nice if you plan on carrying around a lot of books or have a larger tome you want to tackle but don't want to carry around. I have trouble listening to audiobooks. I feel like I get distracted easily and can miss a lot of the prose that can be important for a story, but I know a lot of friends and family who love them for long road trips.

The last book I read:

"Let It Bleed" by Stephen King. I have loved every book I've read by Stephen King, and this was no exception. He has an incredible ability to build characters in short or long-form stories and weave moving tales simultaneously. "Let It Bleed" is a collection of short stories, and I personally recommend "The Life of Chuck" from the collection. Beautiful story!

Author Interview - Caroline Kjos | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

My hand gets tired and my writing starts getting messier than it already is, so I rely on my trusty laptop to write.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Pippi Longstocking by Astrid Lindgren. There was a lot about Pippi that I could relate to as a child. She's tough, witty, loyal to her friends, and cares deeply for those around her. She can be seen as a bit of a mischief maker (especially when it comes to adults), but that's just because she has a wildly creative imagination and doesn't let adults dictate how a child should act. Pippi is wise beyond her years, and I think I could learn a lot from her and her outlook on life. I also think that if Pippi and I were friends as adults, she would help remind me of what it can be like to have fun, be creative and not let go completely of your childhood.

Author Interview - Caroline Kjos | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

When I was younger, I wanted to be an actress.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

Wow! This is a tough question for me. There are so many amazing times. I love the short hair that came with the 20s, the hair pieces, and the flapper style (I was a flapper for Halloween as a kid; my mom made my dress). Then you jump to the 50s with cinched waists and full skirts (Grace Kelly, hello!). In the 60s, you see matching skirt suits (Jackie Kennedy, say no more), plus bold colors and patterns and big hair styles! Ugh, too many to choose from!

Place I’d most like to travel:

Paris. I just love everything about it: the architecture, how easy it is to get around, the food, the proximity to other cities and countries, the lifestyle, culture, and nightlife. There's so much to do and see there, and it never gets old to me.

My signature drink:

French 75

Favorite artist:

Frida Kahlo, Brandi Carlile (musician), The Tallest Man on Earth (musician), Frank Lloyd Wright, Andy Goldsworthy (artist), Cindy Sherman (artist), Barbara Kruger (artist), Chip Kidd (graphic designer)

Number one on my bucket list:

See the Northern Lights

Anything else you'd like to add:

This is my first book! During the day, I work as a web specialist for UI Health in Chicago. Books have always been a big part of my life since childhood. My grandparents used to take me to the bookstore to pick out new books every year on my birthday. My husband and I have an extensive book collection and love gifting books to our friends and their children whenever we can. I'm so excited to be joining the literary world in a new way!

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.instagram.com/ckcreative1/

  • https://www.facebook.com/ckcreative1

About Caroline Kjos:

Author Interview - Caroline Kjos

Caroline Kjos is a passionate storyteller with a flair for creativity and imagination. Drawing inspiration from her surroundings and life experiences, she weaves enchanting tales that captivate readers of all ages. With a background in art and design, Caroline infuses her writing with vibrant imagery and rich detail, creating worlds that are both immersive and unforgettable. When she's not busy writing, Caroline enjoys dabbling in DIY projects, indulging in a good book, and spending time with her husband, Ashley, and bestest boy, Buckley.

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