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Amy Lea

Amy Lea

Author Interview - Amy Lea

Author of Set on You and Woke Up Like This

Planning the perfect prom is one last “to do” on ultra-organized Charlotte Wu’s high school bucket list. So far, so good, if not for a decorating accident that sends Charlotte crash-landing off a ladder, face-first into her obnoxiously ripped archnemesis J. T. Renner. Worse? When Charlotte wakes up, she finds herself in an unfamiliar bed at thirty years old, with her bearded fiancé, Renner, by her side.

Either they’ve lost their minds or they’ve been drop-kicked into adulthood, forever trapped in the thirty-year-old bodies of their future selves. With each other as their only constant, Charlotte and Renner discover all that’s changed in the time they’ve missed. Charlotte also learns there’s more to Renner than irritating-jock charm, and that reaching the next milestone isn’t as important as what happens in between.

Navigating a series of adventures and a confounding new normal, Charlotte and Renner will do whatever it takes to find a way back to seventeen. But when—and if—they do, what then?

Author I draw inspiration from:

I draw inspiration from multiple authors for a variety of reasons. But in terms of pure writing style, my OG inspiration comes from the amazing duo Christina Lauren. Their style is accessible, simple, yet heartfelt and hilarious. They were my gateway into reading contemporary romance so I will always hold a special place in my heart for their books.

Author Interview - Amy Lea | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book:

My favorite place to read is curled up on my living room couch with my goldendoodle. But if I had the choice to magically transport myself, I’d love to be reading in a hammock somewhere warm and tropical, preferably with a nice slushie drink ;)

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

I’d love to be stuck in an elevator with Jonah from The Simple Wild by KA Tucker. Not only is he the ultimate book boyfriend, but he’s a handy Alaskan pilot who could probably figure out a way to save us.

Author Interview - Amy Lea | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

I've known I wanted to become an author since I was old enough to read and get swept away by fictional worlds and stories. When I was six, I'd steal my dad's computer paper, staple the pages together, and write stories with illustrations. I desperately wanted to provide someone else that kind of entertainment and escape, and that desire never stopped.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

Paperback!! I love the feeling of a book in your hands. Hardback often hurts my hands so paperbacks are perfect and moldable. A close runner up would be E-books, as they're so portable, especially when you're on the go.

The last book I read:

The last book I read was FOUR AUNTIES AND A WEDDING by Jesse Sutanto. It comes out in March 2022 and it was absolutely "wheeze and clutch your chest for dear life" hilarious.

Author Interview - Amy Lea | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer:

Computer for sure. Maybe it's the millennial in me, but I think the muscles in my hands have forgotten how to write lol! And my handwriting and spelling is atrocious. I'm not sure what I'd do without my good friend spell check.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Lara-Jean Covey from To All The Boy's I've Loved Before by Jenny Han. LJ is my kindred spirit, from her clothes, her love of romance, her humour. I just adore her.

Author Interview - Amy Lea | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:

A government analyst (my actual day-job)

Favorite decade in fashion history:

As a 90's child, I feel I should say the 90s, but let's be honest - low rise jeans and tube tops are hideous. I am obsessed with fashion from the 50s. The poodle skirts and fit & flare dresses are my jam. Who doesn't love a good polka-dot?

Place I’d most like to travel:

Amalfi Coast, Italy

My signature drink:

Peach Schnapps & 7-up

Favorite artist:

Any kind of artist? I'd choose Taylor Swift!

Number one on my bucket list:

My life goal is to conquer my fear of nature so I can see the baby Orangutans in their protected wildlife sanctuaries in Borneo, Indonesia

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Who is Amy Lea?

Amy Lea is a Canadian bureaucrat by day and contemporary romance author by night (and weekends). She writes laugh out loud romantic comedies featuring strong heroines, witty banter, mid-2000s pop culture references, and happily ever afters.

When Amy is not writing, she can be found fan-girling over other romance books on Instagram (@amyleabooks), eating potato chips with reckless abandon, and snuggling with her husband and goldendoodle.

This author interview originally posted on May 9, 2022.

Set On You by Amy Lea

A gym nemesis pushes a fitness influencer to the max in Amy Lea's steamy debut romantic comedy.

Curvy fitness influencer Crystal Chen built her career shattering gym stereotypes and mostly ignoring the trolls. After her recent breakup, she has little stamina left for men, instead finding solace in the gym - her place of power and positivity.

Enter firefighter Scott Ritchie, the smug new gym patron who routinely steals her favorite squat rack. Sparks fly as these ultra-competitive foes battle for gym domination. But after a series of escalating jabs, the last thing they expect is to run into each other at their grandparents' engagement party.

In the lead up to their grandparents' wedding, Crystal discovers there's a soft heart under Scott's muscled exterior. Bonding over family, fitness, and cheesy pick-up lines, she just might have found her swolemate. But when a photo of them goes viral, savage internet trolls put their budding relationship to the ultimate test of strength.

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