25 Authors and their Holiday Traditions
25 Authors and their Holiday Traditions
My parents do a wonderful job creating a sense of Christmas magic in our home. I say “do” instead of “did” because even as an adult they continue this tradition on Christmas morning (or whenever it is that we are able to get together and celebrate.) When I was a kid, I was memorized by it all. Our stockings, which hung empty above the fireplace all month long, were suddenly stuffed to the brim (and often overflowing onto the mantle or floor) on Christmas morning. Presents from my parents would appear under the tree throughout the month, but Santa’s presents (which were in a different wrapping paper and were never anything I asked for, my parents knew me MUCH better than Santa ever did…wink wink) came out of nowhere. When I woke up in my brand new Christmas PJs, music would be playing and candles were lit throughout the house. I loved the magic of Christmas morning and I think even when I was old enough to know better, I never went snooping around the basement because I wanted to continue feeling that sense of magic. Even now, when I eagerly wake up hours before everyone else, I wait quietly in my bed until I know all the magic has been carefully and lovingly put into place by my parents.
In that spirit, 25 authors share their own holiday traditions (whatever holiday that may be) below. Enjoy.