Girls in the Moon


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Girls in the Moon

Girls in the Moon

Book Review - Girls in the Moon by Janet McNally

I love that Book of the Month Club introduces me to books that are outside of my usual genres. I typically choose historical fiction, mystery, or biographies and memoirs. These are my go-to genres when I'm looking for a book to lose myself in. I almost never choose young adult fiction, although I'm rarely disappointed in them. Let's not forget The Fault in Our Stars by John Green was a young adult book. <3

This book is about two sisters coming into their own and trying to find their identities separate from their (former?) rock-star parents. The main character, Phoebe Ferris, is in search of the truth about her childhood and her family. Her mother only wants to talk about the post-fame calm, her father stopped calling three years ago and although he was always a little absent his abrupt cutting off of all communication surprised Phoebe, and her sister, Luna, is off in NYC pursuing her own indie-rock dreams.

I love how Janet McNally writes about the relationships between all the characters and their affinity for NYC.

Girls in the Moon
By Janet McNally
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This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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