Ernest Hemingway’s Mojito and Classic Cuban Cocktail Mix Up


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Mojito | Next week I’m reviewing When We Left Cuba by @chanelcleeton so today I’m mixing up a classic cuban cocktail and Ernest Hemingway’s signature drink: the mojito! #ahastycocktail

- 10 mint leaves
- 2 oz @bacardiusa rum
- 1 oz lime juice
- A pinch or two of sugar, to taste
- Club Soda
- Lime wedge and mint sprig for garnish

Throw mint leaves and sugar into highball glass and muddle. Don’t break apart the mint leaves, just a firm press. Add lime juice. Fill glass halfway with crushed ice and stir. Add rum. Fill the glass the rest of the way with crushed ice and top with club soda. Stir again. Garnish with a lime wedge and mint sprig. Enjoy!

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