Mint Julep: Best Served When Watching the Kentucky Derby


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Mint Julep

Mint Julep

Mint Julep | The Kentucky Derby is on May 4th this year, so I’ve been working on my mint julep recipe. This is pretty much the only time I drink bourbon (it is not typically my spirit of choice.) But I’ve found the Mint Julep has enough simple syrup and mint to make the bourbon a little more palatable.

- .25 oz to .5 oz simple syrup
- 2 oz Kentucky Bourbon
- 8 large mint leaves
- Bitters

Go out and buy mint julep cups. This drink just isn’t the same without them. I know from experience (see pic.) Then, place your mint leaves at the bottom of your glass and add simple syrup (Eric prefers .25oz and I prefer .5oz - so I guess there is a correlation between how much you like bourbon and the amount of simple syrup you prefer.) Gently muddle the mint leaves in the simple syrup. Add bourbon. Fill with crushed ice and stir thoroughly. Add two drops of bitters on top and swirl glass. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

Best served when watching the @kentuckyderby.

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