Free the Tipple: Kickass Cocktails Inspired by Iconic Women


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Edith Head

Edith Head

Edith Head | Today’s recipe is inspired by the iconic fashion designer of the same name and was adopted from the recipe in Free the Tipple by @jencrolland illustrated by @kellyshami. I’m teaching fashion history at Indiana State this semester and I love being immersed in one of my favorite subjects once again.

- 2oz Cognac (or, if like me you don’t have cognac, then you can substitute brandy…which tasted quite nice!)
- 1oz @cointreau
- 1oz fresh lemon juice (yeah right, I use the bottled stuff)
- Orange twist for garnish

In a shaker filled with ice, combine the cognac, @cointreau_us, and lemon juice. Shake like you mean it. Pour into your favorite drinking vessel and garnish with an orange twist. #ahastycocktail

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French 75

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