Young Jane Young
Book Review - Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin
I really enjoyed reading this book! It was a super easy read (kinda YA but it had some adult content) but it hooked me right away. The story is about Aviva, a young intern for a popular congressman. Shortly after starting her internship, she and the congressman engage in an affair...and she blogs about it. No one seems all that interested until they are in a car crash and news media pick up on the story.
Reading Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin at Oromo Cafe
The story is told from the perspective of four women: Aviva's mom, Aviva's daughter, the congressman's wife, and Aviva herself. I love how we hear the story from a variety of perspectives and in different periods of Aviva's life. Each character has a distinct voice and reveals to the reader some information that only that character would have - and through that character's unique point of view.
Reading Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin at Oromo Cafe
It took me maybe two or three days to read this book - and that was pacing myself so that I wouldn't just sit down and read it in one go. I like to give myself some time to read and digest the section I just read (rather than reading the whole thing in one sitting.) But this is easily a book you could sit down with and finish in a day. The story was reminiscent of Monica Lewinsky, but not too much so. And it even references the similarities in a way that isn't too cliche.
Reading Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin at Oromo Cafe
This would be a great vacation read or a good book to pick up if you have an open weekend with not much going on. It'll take your mind away from the insanity of our real-life political scene while simultaneously being relevant the headlines in our media today. Enjoy!