Lexie Elliott
Author Interview - Lexie Elliott
Author I draw inspiration from: Mmm, tough question. There have been many and varied, at different stages in my life. Probably the most influential from a writing career standpoint is Margaret Atwood, whose books I read obsessively as a teen.
Author Interview with Lexie Elliott - the author she is most inspired by
Favorite place to read a book: Bed. Nothing else comes close.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Katniss Everdeen. I guarantee she’d get us out in short order.
Author Interview with Lexie Elliott - the book character she'd most like to be stuck in an elevator with
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: As soon as I knew what an author was, that was what I wanted to be. I couldn’t have been older than 7 when I showed my first manuscript to my primary school teacher.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Any of the first three - whilst I love the tactile nature of “proper books”, I also love being able to read on my phone or tablet. I’ve enjoyed audiobooks with my kids but I haven’t yet been bowled over for adult books. To be fair, though, I’m never an early adopter, so perhaps with time I will come to love audiobooks.
The last book I read: Exit West, by Mohsin Hamid. Which, by the way, is threaded through with such generosity of spirit that I was swept away.
Author Interview with Lexie Elliott - the last book she read
Pen & paper or computer: Laptop. I’m a mobile writer, I rarely write at home.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Elizabeth Bennet: smart, funny, strong, caring, loyal and unpretentious. You couldn’t hope for more in a best friend.
Author Interview with Lexie Elliott - the book character she'd be best friends with
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Secret scribbler, longing for publication, whilst also working in fund management. So basically exactly the same as my present situation, except that now I feel confident enough not to be secret about my scribbling.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Sixties, entirely driven by vanity. I have long legs, I love a good mini skirt.
Place I’d most like to travel: Iceland, to see the Northern Lights. I read physics at university and I think there’s something really wonderful about the juxtaposition of prosaic scientific explanation and ethereal beauty.
Author Interview with Lexie Elliott - place she'd most like to travel
My signature drink: A rich butter-coloured chardonnay.
Favorite artist: I’m not even going to pretend to be knowledgeable about art. My husband and I luckily have very similar taste. My favourite painting in my house is of a fabulous multicoloured bison by a Canadian artist, Jennifer Sparacino. It’s not to everyone’s liking...
Number one on my bucket list: See answer for "place I’d most like to travel to"!