How We Told Our Families Our Baby News


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How We Told Our Families Our Baby News

How We Told Our Families Our Baby News

How We Told Our Families Our Baby News

I’m on maternity leave! Baby Hasty is due Dec. 18. During this time, I’ll be sharing some blog posts I wrote throughout our pregnancy journey, but this site won’t be as active as it normally is. I may also be a bit slower to respond. Thanks for understanding and for being so supportive of me, my family, and my blog. Want to donate a few dollars to keep this blog running? You can do so on Venmo or Paypal.

These are the stories of how we told our families that we were expecting a baby. You can also watch videos of us telling them (you’ll have to forgive my videography skills - I cried telling most of them!) on Instagram in my Baby Hasty highlights.

How We Told Our Families Our Baby News (Grandma)

Grandma (my mom’s mom):

Grandma: The person I was most looking forward to telling was my grandma. She so desperately wanted Eric and me to have a baby. But, as she repeatedly told me, it’s also okay if I want to be a “career girl” (her words.) We told her on Easter Sunday during our Easter egg hunt. There was a special egg just for her with a note inside that read “Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail, hippity-hoppity a baby is on the way. Baby Hasty due December.” She read it silently to herself then mouthed “Are you kidding me?” before sharing it with the rest of the family.

How We Told Our Families Our Baby News (Maternal Grandparents)

My parents:

It was a Friday and my parents and I were hanging out in the living room waiting for Eric to wrap up work for the week. My dad had offered to pour me a drink at least three times and I was running out of excuses (I’m going to finish this water first, I’m going to wait for Eric to finish up, etc.) I texted Eric at one point saying, “Get down here, I can’t hold them off much longer.” When Eric joined us, we presented my parents with a bottle of wine and a tag that said “Pairs well with becoming grandparents.” My dad took the bottle to the kitchen to uncork. I knew he figured it out when his shoulders started to shake in a silent cry (exactly how I would’ve predicted he’d react.) He showed my mom and she, like my grandma, didn’t believe it to be true at first.

How We Told Our Families Our Baby News (My husband’s family)

Eric’s family:

We were all in town Easter weekend to meet our nephew and celebrate his mom’s birthday. Eric and I decided not to tell his family this weekend because he was afraid it would take away from his sister’s day, showing off her new son, and his mom’s birthday. But at the end of the night, when it was just his siblings and his parents left, he whispered in my ear that he thought the time was right and he wanted to tell them. They were shocked, to say the least. But his dad did a little happy dance while also saying “I don’t believe it.” Everyone else reacted with some form of “wow” or “what?!” or “no way!”

Takeaway: after 14 years of marriage, most people were in disbelief. 😂

More from the At Home with the Hastys Series…

For the entire At Home with the Hastys series, click here.

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Ryan Jacobson

Ryan Jacobson

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