Eagle & Crane


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Eagle & Crane

Eagle & Crane

Book Review - Eagle & Crane by Suzanne Rindell

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

I've been saying this a lot lately, but this book was SO GOOD. I'm batting 1000 when it comes to my book selections lately. This summer has been full of great reading. What I love about Eagle & Crane is that it is a WWII era book that doesn't focus on the war itself. Most of the book takes place in the few years leading up to the US involvement in WWII. Harry and Louis' families have a feud dating back to Louis' grandfather. So when the two boys come together to form a flying circus, they were an unlikely duo. As a Japanese American, Harry faced intense racism. Louis was shunned by his family, primarily his older brother, for associating with Harry. Their friendship was complicated and faced many challenges as they overcame having their planes confiscated, being swindled out of money, a love triangle, and racism.

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

I really didn't know what to expect with this book. It took me by surprise how incredibly well written it was. I think the most compelling theme was how racism and hatred can be passed down through generations well past the time when anyone can remember why the feud began in the first place. Throughout the book Louis struggled with the hatred he was taught growing up and what he knew about Harry and his family. In his heart he knew the hatred was unwarranted but the seed of hatred planted in his mind was difficult to extinguish and several times it almost got the better of him.

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

My husband and I took the pictures for this book in Rocheport, MO - a small town west of St. Louis known for their B&Bs and wineries. We were just passing through town on our way to Kansas City to visit family and friends. We stopped for lunch at Meriwether Cafe and Bike Stop, a charming little cafe with excellent food and coffee beverages. We didn't have time to stick around long but next time we visit we'll definitely be renting bikes and riding the KT Trail. If you're in the area, I highly recommend stopping by. Abigail's is a great spot for dinner and I spotted a little free library across the street from where I took these photos, so be sure to bring a book to leave behind. 

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

Reading Eagle and Crane by Suzanne Rindell in Rocheport, MO

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Suzanne Rindell

Suzanne Rindell

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