Dreams of Falling


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Dreams of Falling

Dreams of Falling

Book Review - Dreams of Falling by Karen White

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

I think this might be the first book I've read by Karen White, which really surprises me. She is a well-known author, especially within the world of Historical Fiction. So when I read the list of books she's written and didn't recognize any of them as ones I've read, I couldn't hardly believe it! After reading this book, I'm especially eager to go back and read some of her previous works, particularly The Forgotten Room which she co-wrote with two of my other favorite authors, Beatriz Williams and Lauren Willig.

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

I really enjoyed reading this book. The author skips around in time quite a bit, primarily between the 1950s and 2010, but with occasional flashbacks to earlier times. Three generations are represented in this book: Ceecee, Bitty, and Margaret were best friends growing up and remained so throughout their lives. As it tends to do, life threw each of them challenges that made keeping this promise difficult at times. The most difficult being when Margaret passed away just two years after Ivy was born. Ivy is Margaret's daughter and was primarily raised by Ceecee; Larkin is Margaret's granddaughter who felt like Ceecee was as much of a mother to her as Ivy. The story focuses on Carrowmore, the house where Margaret grew up and the many unknown questions about how Margaret died.

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

We took these photos at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO. If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw my series of Instagram Stories throughout my short road trip from St. Louis to Kansas City for a weekend visiting friends and family. I stopped by Sedalia, MO to visit Daum Contemporary Art Museum and eat at Kehde's Barbeque. I ordered the Goober Burger (a hamburger with peanut butter on it - trust me, its good!) Once I arrived in Kansas City, I checked into the beautiful Ambassador Hotel and took their free shuttle to the Union Station to see The Art of Brick exhibit showcasing works by Nathan Sawaya made entirely of Legos. Afterwards, I was exhausted from the travel so I took a break in my beautiful hotel room to finish Dreams of Falling by Karen White. 

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

Reading Dreams of Falling by Karen White at the Ambassador Hotel in Kansas City, MO

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Karen White

Karen White

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