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You Have Reached Your Destination

You Have Reached Your Destination

Book Feature - You Have Reached Your Destination by Louise Marburg

HBL Note: Can you read the title of this book without hearing it in that very distinct airline voice? I can’t. :) Although not publishing until November 10, I was eager to share this title with you which has already won the 2022 Eastover Fiction Prize. This collection of stories focuses on the turning points in twelve women’s lives ranging in age from pre-teen to ninety years old, at least one of these stories (if not all) will resonate with you and leave you inspired to take a look at your own life with “sympathy, humor, and courage.” Scroll down to read more.

Erin McGraw, author of Joy and 52 Other Very Short Stories, said of the collection, "The spare, elegant stories in Louise Marburg's new book feature characters struggling to define themselves in a world that keeps confounding and contradicting them. Long-cherished ideas are examined and sometimes shattered, and lives are reshaped before our eyes. In Marburg's world, relationships are always subject to radical change, and her characters' destinations are unexpected, remarkable, and beautifully memorable."

Book Feature - You Have Reached Your Destination by Louise Marburg

Book Feature - You Have Reached Your Destination by Louise Marburg

From the publisher:

In her award-winning collection, YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR DESTINATION, author Louise Marburg captures turning points in the lives of twelve disparate women. Marburg's crisp, clear-eyed prose, infused with dark humor, reveals the inevitable collapse of pretension beneath the struggles of loneliness, death, and the all too human need to be seen. From a pre-teen attempting to understand her father's suicide to a ninety-year-old caught in shadows of past marital abuse, each of these women is made to confront the reality that change is the only certainty. This collection, Marburg's finest yet, invites us to face ourselves and our own life journeys with sympathy, humor, and courage.

Book Feature - You Have Reached Your Destination by Louise Marburg

Book Feature - You Have Reached Your Destination by Louise Marburg

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Louise Marburg

Louise Marburg

Yaffa S. Santos

Yaffa S. Santos