Mona at Sea
Book Feature - Mona at Sea by Elizabeth Gonzalez James
HBL Note: My ears perk up when a publicist says a book is her current favorite read. I can only imagine how many books they read a year, so it takes a special book to really stand out. In addition to topping this publicists list of current reads, it has also been named a most-anticipated novel of 2021 by The Rumpus, Betches, Frolic, and The Millions. Plus, and I can’t believe this is the third thing I’m noting about this novel, it is a DEBUT novel! You all know how much I love featuring debut authors. So let’s give Elizabeth Gonzalez James a little love for her first book baby. Scroll down to read more about Mona at Sea.
Book Feature - Mona at Sea by Elizabeth Gonzalez James
Book Feature - Mona at Sea by Elizabeth Gonzalez James
From the publisher:
When high-achieving Mona Mireles finds herself unemployed, living with her parents, and widely mocked after becoming the subject of a viral video dubbed “Sad Millennial,” she begins a downward spiral into self-pity, bitterness, and late-night drunken binges on cat videos…and tequila. She graduated top of her class, she had a job offer from Wall Street, she was meant to do more than this! Will the unemployment support group her overbearing mother forced her to join help her open her eyes? Will a role as a phone operator at a call center help solve all of her problems? Will she ever emerge out of the lethargy of life boredom?
Book Feature - Mona at Sea by Elizabeth Gonzalez James