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Beneath a Starless Sky

Beneath a Starless Sky

Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

HBL Note: Did you take ballet as a kid? I took ballet when I was really young and had a fantastic ballet teacher. Then I moved to a new town and stopped taking lessons. I really missed it. But as luck would have it, that fantastic ballet teacher started offering lessons in my new town. So I started back up and took lessons all through high school. We never put on recitals, I just did it for the love of practice and lessons. I never wanted to be a ballerina or be on stage. I just loved moving in a graceful way, creating beautiful lines with my body.

In BENEATH A STARLESS SKY by Tess Harris, Lilli Sternberg longs to be a ballet dancer. The theater is her sanctuary as the Nazi’s take over and destroy her hometown of Munich. Then, a chance encounter leads to a romance with a promising young officer of the Reich. Their relationship could be dangerous for both of them. Scroll down to read more.

Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

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Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

From the publisher:

Lilli Sternberg longs to be a ballet dancer. But outside the sanctuary of the theatre, Munich is no longer a place for dreams.

The Nazi party are gaining power, and the threats to Jewish families increasing. Even Lilli’s family shop was torched because of their faith.

When Lilli meets Captain Marco Zeiller during a chance encounter, her heart soars. He is the perfect gentleman, and her love for him feels like a bright hope under a bleak sky.

But battle lines are being drawn, and Marco has been spotted by the Reich as an officer with potential. A relationship with Lilli would compromise them both.

Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

Book Feature - Beneath a Starless Sky by Tessa Harris

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Tessa Harris

Tessa Harris

Liam Fialkov

Liam Fialkov