Victoria Schade
Author Interview - Victoria Schade
Author I draw inspiration from: There are so many it’s hard to pick one. I think both Chuck Wendig and Joanne Harris are incredible authors, but I love them even more for their support of other writers. Chuck’s Terrible Minds blog has great tips, and Joanne’s #tenthings Tweets always make me think.
Author Interview - Victoria Schade
Favorite place to read a book: On a plane or train, because being on one usually means that I’m headed somewhere fun to do even more reading. Plus, it’s usually uninterrupted reading time for a nice long stretch.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: James Bond, because then we wouldn’t be stuck for long!
Author Interview - Victoria Schade
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I’ve always loved storytelling and writing but it was while I was going into homes and training dogs full time that I realized that I was living in mini novels every day. I’d tell my mom about my adventures and she’d say, “Write it down!” Those stories became the backbone of my first dog training book, BONDING WITH YOUR DOG.
Author Interview - Victoria Schade
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback or paperback, please. I love the immediacy of ebooks (“Ooh! I want to read that book now.” and *boop* there it is!) but ebooks don’t feel as real to me.
The last book I read: I usually have at least three going at the same time and my TBR stack gets higher every day, but I just finished DEAR EDWARD by Anne Napolitano and loved it.
Author Interview - Victoria Schade
Pen & paper or computer: My book brainstorming happens in beautiful spiral notebooks (fellow notebook geeks, raise your hands), but the actual work of writing happens on my laptop.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Anne of Green Gables, although there’s a chance we’re so similar that we’d end up clashing!
Author Interview - Victoria Schade
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Dancer! I love dance. Watching it, doing it … invite me to your wedding and I’ll be the first one on the floor for the Electric Slide and Wobble, I promise.
Favorite decade in fashion history: I’ve always loved the Gibson Girl era. The look is so lush and romantic. (And probably uncomfortable!)
Place I’d most like to travel: Very timely (and tough) question; my husband and I are celebrating a milestone wedding anniversary and big birthdays this year, so we’re trying to figure out where we should go to celebrate. We’ve been lucky enough to hit England, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Hawaii and Antigua together, so suggestions are welcomed!
My signature drink: Bring on the bubbles, please. I’m all about champagne and prosecco.
Favorite artist: I’m going to take liberties with this question because choosing a single favorite anything is hard for me.
Singer: Lyle Lovett or Amos Lee
Dancer: Too many to choose but I’m currently obsessed with ballet dancer Sergei Polunin in Hozier’s “Movement” video. It’s so beautiful it brings me to tears.
Painter: The work of Canadian hyper realistic landscape artist Renato Muccillo was my influence for Rowan Barnes’ paintings in WHO RESCUED WHO. He’s incredible.
Tattoo: Mr. K’s fine line blackwork dog tattoos are beyond.
Number one on my bucket list: Hit a bestseller list.
Anything else you'd like to add: Want to help pets in need? Adopt your new best friend from your local shelter or rescue. Can’t adopt? Foster for a single night to give a dog a break from the shelter environment, or for as long as it takes for your friend to find forever. Can’t foster? Volunteer at your local shelter. Can’t volunteer? Amplify the efforts of those who do; share their posts on social media. Oh – and money helps too … donate to rescues!
Author Interview - Victoria Schade