Tracey D. Buchanan
Author Interview - Tracey D. Buchanan
Author of Toward the Corner of Mercy and Peace
It's 1952 in the small western Kentucky town of Paducah and Mrs. Minerva Place would prefer that everyone mind their own business, follow the rules, and if dead, stay dead. Nosy neighbors and irritating church members are bad enough but when residents of the local cemetery start showing up, the quirky widow wonders if she's going crazy. Just as distressing, a new boy in the neighborhood seems intent on disrupting her life. Minerva, aggravated by the precocious six-year-old, holds him and his father at arm's length. Nevertheless, with charming perseverance, they find a way into her closed-off life and an unlikely friendship begins. But just when Minerva starts to let her guard down, a tragic accident shatters her emerging reconnection with life. Now more than her sanity is at stake, With the help of the living and the dead, Minerva is forced to face issues she thought she had buried. She discovers the power of forgiveness and why it's worth it to let others into your life, even when it hurts.
Author Interview - Tracey Buchanan
Author I draw inspiration from:
Frederik Backman--I love his humor and warmth. He understands people and that quirkiness is a human condition to love and embrace. And, do I have to stop with one?? I just finished Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. I've loved everything I've ever read by her. Oh, and Elizabeth Strout! Olive Kitteridge was a definite inspiration for my protagonist.
Author Interview - Tracey Buchanan | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book:
In bed. On my screened-in porch. On an airplane. On our couch. On a boat. In a hammock. In front of the TV. Over lunch. In the bathroom. On a picnic. At a dude ranch. In a submarine. At the lake. In the car. Standing in line. In a waiting room. By the ocean. On a mountain. In the forest. At a police station. At the racetrack. At Wimbledon. Crossing the Atlantic.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:
Adele Astaire from Starring Adele Astaire by Eliza Knight. She is so feisty and funny and talented. I'd ask her to do a little dance in the elevator for me and give me the dirt on British royals.
Author Interview - Tracey Buchanan | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:
After I won a writing contest for a story I wrote in the first grade. It was about a dinosaur named Ben, which--incidentally--is our first son's name. Now, I'm not saying that had anything to do with our decision to name him that...Supposedly, he's named for my husband.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:
E-book. I love carrying hundreds of books around with me at once and an e-book takes the least toll on my back and neck.
The last book I read:
The Half Moon by Mary Beth Keane--wonderful!
Author Interview - Tracey Buchanan | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer:
Computer. I don't have the patience to write with a pen and paper anymore. I've got too many words coming at me too fast.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with:
Jo March from Little Women. I know, probably a lot of people say that, but she's just the best. Smart, into writing, funny, tender-hearted. We'd have so much fun concocting stories together.
Author Interview - Tracey Buchanan | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a:
An artist. Maybe. I do love painting and creating, and I think I'd miss it if I didn't have a creative outlet. But, I don't want to rule out being a Rockette. I have long legs and was once a twirler, so I've got the makings. Or TV weather person. I once got to pretend I was the weather announcer when I took a tour of NBC, and I did really well with the hand swooshing. However, with either of those professions, I'd probably have to watch what I eat, so...Artist. Artists can eat whatever they want. Oh! I could be a food critic. Nah. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I didn't like their food. Who am I kidding? There's no food I would pan. So, artist or food critic.
Favorite decade in fashion history:
The '50s. Who doesn't look good in a poodle skirt and pointy bra?
Place I’d most like to travel:
Italy. And I think I'd need to spend at least a month there. Maybe more. I'd like to tour all of Europe, taking my time.
My signature drink:
Diet Ginger Ale and Cranberry Juice. I'm pretty tame. (Some might say lame)
Favorite artist:
Mary Cassatt, if we're talking painters. I do love Van Gogh, though. And contemporary--Angus Wilson and Dawn Whitelaw
Number one on my bucket list:
That's difficult since I don't have a bucket list. But, if I did, I'd say having a best-selling book that brings people joy would be at the top. Or, a trip that follows the Apostle Paul's travels.
Anything else you'd like to add:
I thought it might sound too ingratiating to say being interviewed by Ashley Hasty was on top of my bucket list. So, I'll just leave that off...
Author Bio:
Tracey Buchanan crashed into the literary world when she was six and won her first writing award. Fast forward through years as a journalist, mom, volunteer, freelance writer, editor, artist, small business owner, and circus performer (not really, but wouldn’t that be something?) and you find her happily planted in the world of fiction with her debut novel, Toward the Corner of Mercy and Peace.