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Sue Buyer

Sue Buyer

Author Interview - Sue Buyer

Author of All Things in Time

“Before anyone cared, before Gloria Steinem and #metoo, ambitious women - a rare breed in the workplace of the 1950s and 60s - were forced to jump hurdles men didn't face. Nina Silver and Betty Cooper, two of these trailblazers, had little in common and met only once, yet a mysterious death tethered their paths for decades. All Things in Time is the story of these two feisty women in the post-WWII years: their careers, and their personal lives, calculated and otherwise.

With both mystery and romance, All Things in Time will appeal not only to those who enjoy a page-turner, but readers who want a glimpse of nostaglia or are curious about the role of women in the workplace of yesteryear. The novella will also appeal to anyone looking to curl up in a nice chair with a good read on a rainy day.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: James Patterson

Favorite place to read a book: Sitting at my desk on a straight-backed chair

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Author would be Pete Hamill, Character would James Bond, from any of Ian Flemings books

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It was snowing and I couldn't go out - seemed a good time to put paper the story I had been thinking about when waking up in the middle of the night

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback

The last book I read: Catch and Kill, Ronan Farrow

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Miss Marple from the Agatha Christie books

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Newspaper journalist - which I was before I was an author.

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1970s - I was a fashion reporter for a newspaper then

Place I’d most like to travel: Ireland

My signature drink: Gin and Cranberry

Favorite artist: Miro

Number one on my bucket list: Getting a COVID vaccine

Anything else you'd like to add: Delighted after years of thinking about it, when we had a snowy winter in 2020, as I no longer ski , I was stuck inside and wrote the book.

Author Bio: Sue Buyer was graduated from Vassar in 1947, then a Women's College. After a summer at the University of Zurich, she returned stateside for several years “stuck” in secretarial jobs. With encouragement from her then boss, she attended the Columbia School of Journalism, where women comprised fewer than 10% of the class. Upon graduation, she went to work at The Buffalo Evening News, where she remained for 27 years, two without salary; there was no paid maternity leave. Fast forward to the present, she recalled her newsroom experiences to write this story. She currently lives and writes in Western New York.

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Everybody (Else) is Perfect

Everybody (Else) is Perfect

All Things in Time

All Things in Time