Sheena Kamal


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Sheena Kamal

Sheena Kamal

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal

Author I draw inspiration from:  Helen Oyeyemi. Her imagination is wild. 

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | Author she draws inspiration from

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | Author she draws inspiration from

Favorite place to read a book: In a hammock by the ocean. 

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: James Bond. For the, um, conversation. 

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | Book character she'd like to be stuck in an elevator with

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | Book character she'd like to be stuck in an elevator with

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I was sitting in a film/television production office in Toronto when the premise of a novel came to me. I had been trying my hand at screenwriting for quite some time but it wasn't working out--and neither was Toronto. It was winter and Toronto had just been through two serious ice storms. I was ready to get out, and take my idea with me. It was clear to me this story wasn't a film, at that time. It was a book--and that's when I knew. I had this burning desire not just to write any book, but this book in particular. It became THE LOST ONES, my debut novel. 

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | The moment she knew she wanted to be an author

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | The moment she knew she wanted to be an author

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: All of the above, depending on my mood. 

The last book I read: The Count Of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | The last book she read

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | The last book she read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. 

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Merry or Pippin from Lord Of The Rings. These are my people. We'll eat a few breakfasts, have some ale and tell each other stories about how we vanquished our enemies and saved the world.  

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | Book character she'd be bests friends with

Author Interview - Sheena Kamal | Book character she'd be bests friends with

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: stage actor

Favorite decade in fashion history: I'm going to get more specific and say I'm feeling this decade, this year, everything Wakanda-inspired. 

Place I’d most like to travel: Right now, Peru. I'd love to do the Inca Trail, or maybe one of the lesser known ones. 

My signature drink: Dark rum with coconut water and lime. In the coconut itself. 

Favorite artist: Nina Simone

Number one on my bucket list: To see Rihanna in concert, shake my butt, and sing exuberantly (and very badly) to Love On The Brain. 

Anything else you'd like to add: Live long and prosper? Also, thank you very much for having me! I am much obliged. 

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
5 Books to Read Set in Hawaii

5 Books to Read Set in Hawaii

The Lost Ones & It All Falls Down

The Lost Ones & It All Falls Down