Shae Bryant
Author Interview - Shae Bryant
Author of Is She Home?
A young Irish immigrant finds herself a domestic servant in New York City before the turn of the century. Her dreams and hopes are constantly shattered by fears until she faces them through letters and notes to her children. Emma, the eldest daughter, reads her Mother's memoirs, and makes a decision to bring her family back together.
Author Interview - Shae Bryant
Author I draw inspiration from: I should say that I draw inspiration from my favorites. From Tolkien, Lewis, Lawhead and Follett. The truth is, when I was young my Mother used to read books by Janette Oke, Francine Rivers and John Grisham. Sometimes, I notice that I have a similar flow to those books. I think my young self who devoured those "adult" books managed to tell my adult author self "You liked this. Don't forget that."
Author Interview - Shae Bryant | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: I live in Colorado where the weather is weird. Even in the Winter we can get beautiful days. I very much enjoy sitting on the back deck and reading while I take in the sunshine.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Tom Builder from Ken Follett's "The Pillars of the Earth"
Author Interview - Shae Bryant | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I was 12 and in 7th grade, I got on the Anne Rice kick. That was when I told myself I wanted to write novels one day. I attempted it then, and it didn't go well. That notebook may still be somewhere in an attic. I sure hope not!
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperbacks and audiobooks. Ebooks are wonderful, but there is still something about holding a book in your hand, smelling the new book paper and turning the pages. Audiobooks keep me going through the day. I listen while I'm doing housework or other things.
The last book I read: "The Sorrow Stone" by J.A. MacLachlan . It starts slow, but it's a wonderful piece of historical fiction with a great story!
Author Interview - Shae Bryant | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Computer. I do use notebooks/journals to jot things down, build worlds and characters.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: That is such a difficult one to answer! When I was young, the answer would have been Jo in "Little Women". Today, the answer is Eowyn from "The Lord of the Rings". The answer is also Amanda Blackwood from her non fiction series. Though I am friends with the author, her character is shown through the pages as she discusses her experiences and survival of human trafficking.
Author Interview - Shae Bryant | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: No one says I would be a digital marketing professional. I do that as a side job now, and specialize in content marketing. I would be a voice over artist full time if I had to choose.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Another difficult one! I'm going to choose the 1920s. That was when so much changed for women's fashion. Hemlines went up, corsets were a thing of the past, knees were shown, and women found more freedom in what they could wear and do. There is a photo of my Great Grandmother in the 20s floating around somewhere. Even though she was wearing a simple day frock and a pair of small heels, she still looked very fashionable for the 20s. Men had such a classic dress style in that decade, often found in the pictures of famous mobsters during prohibition.
Place I’d most like to travel: I'd love to travel to Ireland and visit a friend of mine near the seaside. Every time he sends photos of the seaside cliffs and waving green fields he lives near, I wish I could go and spend a day visiting with him. I also want to visit Tel Aviv, Israel and enjoy those beaches!
My signature drink: My signature drink is water with frozen berries popped in it. I've been sober for years now, and I haven't had a cocktail in a long time.
Favorite artist: When I hear "artist", my mind immediately goes to "music artist". I'll answer with that. My all-time favorite band is Blind Guardian, followed closely by Sabaton and Serenity.
Number one on my bucket list: Hike a 14er! That's Colorado speak for hiking a mountain peak above 14,000 feet. I deal with complications from a major orthopedic surgery that sometimes has me using a cane. I've been working on treatment for it, and I'm sure I'll be able to do it one day.
Anything else you'd like to add: I felt a bit strange and mildly intimidated telling a fashion historian my favorite decade of fashion history. I almost wish I could pick your brain a bit more about that decade, since I love history of all sorts.
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Author Bio: Shae Bryant is the author of several historical fiction and fantasy novels. She is also a digital marketing professional, creating content for clients she isn't allowed to actually talk to. That's because Shae's known to have a bit of a big mouth. When she isn't writing, Shae is riding motorcycles, getting the next tattoo, crocheting, playing an RPG, or hiking near her home in Denver, CO.