Author Interview with Sara Ackerman


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Sara Ackerman

Sara Ackerman

Author Interview - Sara Ackerman

Author of Radar Girls

Inspired by the real Women's Air Raid Defense, Radar Girls is the remarkable story of a group of fearless women following the call of duty in America’s darkest hour.

Hawaii, 1941. Daisy Wilder is no stranger to hardship. When the war breaks out and she loses her job at the stables over a stolen horse, she's more than ready to flee to the Mainland–until a chance encounter draws her into a top secret group sworn to protect the islands. Radar is a brand new technology and its true capabilities on the home front are just being discovered. In a building known as The Penthouse, she and the rest of the girls race to learn complex calculations, radar plotting, and aircraft vectoring that up until now have been a man's work. Not only that, but they must hold onto their hearts each time an aircraft carrier ships out with their men aboard. One man in particular, a crack pilot, Walker Montgomery, manages to work his way into her heart. As Daisy navigates a new Hawai’i of barbed wire, blackouts, and air raid drills, she forms a bond with the other WARDs as they begin to discover that their most powerful asset is each other.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Kate Quinn. I love her undeniable passion for her stories, and how she creates characters that literally jump off the page. Her writing is detailed, compelling, and brilliant. She’s also a gracious and delightful person and very supportive of other authors.

Favorite place to read a book: Under a big shady tree at a secret cove along the Kohala Coast in Hawaii. I keep my little beach box in the back of my car – thick towel, pareo, straw hat, pillow, sunscreen, reading glasses, books.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I recently finished listening to Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey, can I choose him?

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I remember writing a short story when I was ten, about a woman in white coming to me in the forest and tasking me with caretaking all the wild animals. It was a magical story, and I still have it saved. Somehow, I managed to created this feeling of suspense and it was like I suddenly discovered the power of words. From then on, it was there in the back of my mind, even if it did get put on the backburner for a LONG time. I was an avid reader and the kind of kid who read books over and over again. I loved getting lost in other worlds and I’ve found that when I write, I also get lost in the world I’m creating. It’s a wonderful feeling!

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperback

The last book I read: I'm almost finished with an advance copy of The Last Checkmate by Gabriella Saab. Love it!

Pen & paper or computer: Computer

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I think I’d get along quite well with Deanna from Prodigal Summer (Barbara Kingsolver). She’s a nature girl and so am I.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: An acupuncturist (I have my license), or an ornithologist (I love birds)

Favorite decade in fashion history: 1940s of course!

Place I’d most like to travel: New Zealand. I’ve been once and loved it so much! All those gorgeous mountains and fjords and fascinating birds, among other things. I can’t wait until they open for travel again.

My signature drink: Waikiki Brewing Co Aloha Spirit Blonde Ale.

Favorite artist: It’s hard to pick just one! I have so many amazing artist friends. But perhaps my top pick is Margaret Barnaby, who paints native Hawaiian birds and other endangered species at Kilauea Volcano.

Number one on my bucket list: Have one of my books made into a movie and watch it shown at the old Honoka’a People’s Theatre on the island of Hawai'i.

Anything else you'd like to add: Thank you for taking the time to interview me, it was truly a pleasure! If anyone has any other questions, please feel free to email me at

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Author Bio: Sara is a USA Today bestselling author who writes books about love and life, and all of their messy and beautiful imperfections. She believes that the light is just as important as the dark, and that the world is in need of uplifting and heartwarming stories. Born and raised in Hawaii, she studied journalism and later earned graduate degrees in psychology and Chinese medicine. She blames Hawai'i for her addiction to writing, and sees no end to its untapped stories.

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