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Rachel Howzell Hall

Rachel Howzell Hall

Author Interview - Rachel Howzell Hall

Author of And Now She's Gone.

“Isabel Lincoln is gone.

But is she missing?

It's up to Grayson Sykes to find her. Although she is reluctant to track down a woman who may not want to be found, Gray's search for Isabel Lincoln becomes more complicated and dangerous with every new revelation about the woman's secrets and the truth she's hidden from her friends and family.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Stephen King – His love of Maine inspires me since I love Los Angeles and my stories are L.A. stories. He also creates memorable characters, people you’d meet at the grocery store or the tire shop. He writes in accessible language—you don’t need a degree to read his books. He brings people in and I want to do the same.

Favorite place to read a book: In a lounge chair on vacation somewhere other than my house. With the pandemic, I missed out on that luxury. Just laying around, drink on the little table beside me, big book in my lap.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: James Bond but the Daniel Craig version.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Yes, please. Ha! I am a book slut and I will take a good story any way it comes. Audiobooks are the carrot for exercise—I only listen to them when I need to walk for health. My ebook reader lives in my purse, goes with me everywhere. Hardbacks—on vacation, I’ll take one with me and dump other stories on my reader. I buy a lot of them, though. I remember the title and authors more with physical copies. Paperbacks aren’t as abundant a purchase as hard- and electronic copies.

The last book I read: Neal Griffin’s The Burden of Truth. We’re on a panel together in a few weeks and I wanted to read before chatting with him about it.

Pen & paper or computer: I start every draft with pen and paper, and then, transcribe to my computer. I then print out that copy and work off the draft. I like pens!

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Other than one of my own (Lou Norton), I’d think I’d be besties with Kellye Garrett’s P.I. Dayna Anderson. She loves L.A., she likes to laugh, she loves clothes, but not obsessed with them and she’s down for an adventure.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I actually still work my day job—and I’m a fundraiser writer with a large medical center out here in L.A. I love writing and I love mission-oriented work, so I’m living the dream, ha.

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1940s—the trousers and collared shirts of Katherine Hepburn, especially. The loafers! Glamour without even trying to look glamorous.

Place I’d most like to travel: Right now, I’d love to be anywhere in the Caribbean. Sea, sky and incredible cuisine. Also, there’s lots of rum punch.

My signature drink: When I’m not drinking water (my primary beverage), or coffee (a distant second), I enjoy a great Cabernet Sauvignon. I’m really getting into bourbon-barreled Cabs right now.

Favorite artist: If I had a lot of money, I’d buy every Ed Ruscha piece in the gallery. I think I mention his art in nearly every book I’ve written.

Find more from the author:

  • Twitter: @RachelHowzell

    IG: @rhowzellhall

Author Bio: Rachel Howzell Hall, author of the bestseller and Anthony Award-, Lefty Award- and ITW-award nominated They All Fall Down (Forge), writes the acclaimed Lou Norton series, including Land of ShadowsSkies of AshTrail of Echoes, and City of Saviors. She is also the co-author of The Good Sister with James Patterson, which was included in the New York Times bestseller The Family Lawyer. She is currently on the board of directors for the Southern California chapter of Mystery Writers of America and is a Pitch Wars mentor for 2020. She lives in Los Angeles.  Her next novel And Now She’s Gone was published in September 2020.

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