Author Interview with Nancy Burkhalter


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Nancy Burkhalter

Nancy Burkhalter

Author Interview - Nancy Burkhalter

Author of The Education of Delhomme: Chopin, Sand, and La France

“Beaulieu Delhomme, a piano tuner, faces the guillotine for committing treason against the newly elected French president due to his part in the bloody worker uprisings in 1848. The one person who could save him from this fate is his former arch-rival, the celebrated author, George Sand. The plot leading to his imprisonment revolves around the triangle of composer Frédéric Chopin, his lover George Sand, and Delhomme, Chopin’s loyal piano tuner. Both Sand and Delhomme compete for the attention of Chopin, who fights a losing battle with tuberculosis. The president’s spymaster uses this triangle to lure cash-strapped Delhomme into exploiting his friendship with Chopin to spy on George Sand, whose fiery rhetoric threatens the new president.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Calvin Trillin because he is spare, drole, and insightful.

Favorite place to read a book: Outside on my porch with the trees swaying in the breeze

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: George Sand because she was an extraordinary woman in her time: a talented writer, politically activist, and doting mother.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I have written a lot of nonfiction. My first article was about tuning in Saudi Arabia for a piano tuning journal. I loved seeing my words in print! The hook was set.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback or paperback

The last book I read: City of Thieves by David Benioff. It takes place in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) Russia during the 900-day blockade. I lived in St. Petersburg for a year and understand how much it affected their population and psyche. Very moving.

Pen & paper or computer: I always prefer the computer for composing, but sometimes I find it stimulating to makes notes or outline in pencil.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Beaulieu Delhomme, the tuner, because I understand his sensibilities and reasons for becoming a tuner. We would have a lot to share about our worlds.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I would have made a good lawyer, like my dad.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Right now, because women can express themsleves and be comfortable at the same time without girdles, bone stays, corsets, high heels, nylons, and do I even have to mention foot binding?

Place I’d most like to travel: Iran. They have a fantastic culture and food. Very educated people., too. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to go in my lifetime because of the pandemic and politics.

My signature drink: Sweet Manhattan with two cherries

Favorite artist: I toggle between Monet and Van Gogh. Impressionism is the ultimate in understatement.

Number one on my bucket list: To travel around France by bicycle and train for three months.

Anything else you'd like to add: I am constantly fascinated by humans' ability to write. We are the only species that can. (I have seen elephants paint, but none that write.) Sampling others' writing styles is a never-ending buffet of delight.

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Author Bio: Writing has threaded through my career: I have worked as a journalist, taught academic writing, and ghost-written personal histories. Publishing credentials include several journal articles, a book about how to teach critical thinking (Rowman & Littlefield), a self-published book about nonprofit leaders, and three literacy textbooks for nonreading adults. About 20 years ago, I became more serious about fiction, thinking it would be an easy transfer of my nonfiction skills. Boy, was I wrong! So, I took several courses, most recently a two-year course in literary fiction writing. I have written two other novels, but they have not been subjected to the "secret sauce" I now know about writing fiction. I am uniquely qualified to write this novel because, after graduating college, I apprenticed a piano tuner and rebuilder in Chicago for a year, then struck out on my own. My tuning business paid my way through two master's degrees and a doctorate. I have long admired Chopin--not just his music but also his ability to push through his debilitating illness to create some of the world's most enduring music.

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The Education of Delhomme: Chopin, Sand, and La France

The Education of Delhomme: Chopin, Sand, and La France