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Mazey Eddings

Mazey Eddings

Author Interview - Mazey Eddings

Author of A Brush with Love

A Brush with Love is my debut rom-com set in dental school! It has a plethora of oral puns, features a giant cat, meddling friends, and a heroine with an anxiety disorder. It celebrates pursuing your passions, therapy, and falling in love when you least expect it.
Here's the blurb:

Harper is anxiously awaiting placement into a top oral surgery residency program when she crashes (literally) into Dan. Harper would rather endure a Novocaine-free root canal than face any distractions, even one this adorable.

A first-year dental student with a family legacy to contend with, Dan doesn’t have the same passion for pulling teeth that Harper does. Though he finds himself falling for her, he is willing to play by Harper’s rules.

So with the greatest of intentions and the poorest of follow-throughs, the two set out to be “just friends.” But as they get to know each other better, Harper fears that trading fillings for feelings may make her lose control and can't risk her carefully ordered life coming undone, no matter how drool-worthy Dan is.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Helen Hoang, Chloe Liese, and Talia Hibbert have been trailblazers in portraying neurodiverse love in romance, and I admire their talent endlessly. Liese, Hoang, and Hibbert show such nuance in their characters and never fail to make me laugh. Lisa Kleypas is another author I rabidly consume. Her prose is rich and delicious, and she creates such atmospheric sensuality with her stories. Tessa Dare is a romancelandia icon, and how I got into the genre. She is hilarious, clever, and fiercely feminist, and I'd love to craft series like she does someday.

Author Interview - Mazey Eddings | Author I Draw Inspiration From

Favorite place to read a book: Wherever, whenever!!! If I have to choose, I'd say turning my couch into a nest, snuggling up in blankets and layers, and diving head first into a novel with my cat curled up on my lap. The other alternative is a cool fall morning (also wrapped in a blanket... I'm big into blankets).

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: I imagine getting stuck in an elevator with Luc and Oliver from Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall would have me laughing so hard we'd all have a pee emergency on our hands. I can already hear their bickering and panic and it would truly be comedic gold. To actually get out of the elevator, I'd likely want Samuel Moore from The Widow of Rose House by Diana Biller with me. His cleverness knows no bounds and he'd have us out of there in a jiffy. On a totally carnal, I'd have absolutely no issue being stuck in an elevator with Ansel from Sweet Filthy Boy by Christina Lauren (heck, I wouldn't mind Mia being there either!).

Author Interview - Mazey Eddings | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: It was during my first year of dental school when I was up until 3 or 4 a.m. furiously typing away at A Brush with Love. I realized that pure joy like that doesn't have to be some secret passion project I'm too scared to share with anyone. I started to believe in what I was writing and took a leap of faith that others would too.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I love the look and feel of hardbacks, but for efficiency and ability to highlight sections easily, it would have to be ebook or paperback (can you tell I'm a very indecisive person?).

The last book I read: I recently did a re-read of The Grace Year by Kim Liggett. It's one of the most moving, poignant, and powerful books I've ever read. It's a dark and speculative YA thriller that looks at internalized misogyny through such a unique lens. I think about it constantly and it's one of those books that changed me as a person after reading it.

Author Interview - Mazey Eddings | The Last Book I Read

Pen & paper or computer: I love pen and paper for purely esthetic reasons, and I have way more fancy pens and stationary than anyone on my student budget should. But as far as writing, I need to have my computer. Typing is the only way to keep up with my runaway thoughts.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I think I'd be really good friends with Lou le Blanc from Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin (or at least I'd like to be... she's probably too cool for me haha). She's a hilarious, sarcastic, cunning, chaos demon and I would love to go on adventures with her.

Author Interview - Mazey Eddings | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Well, I am actually a dentist too! If I weren't either of those things, I'd love to be a baker. I've always enjoyed the mixing of science and art that goes into baking.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Ahhhh! Impossible!!!! I've always been wild about Tudor era clothing, especially when Anne Boleyn got in there and shook things up. I'm also a big fan of late 1800s mens' fashion (I'm a sucker for a well tailored trouser) and I also love the silhouettes for women's fashion in the 1950's.

Place I’d most like to travel: This very well could be the hardest interview I've ever done with all these impossible questions!!! Just kidding, they're fabulous ;)
I've always had quite the travel bug, so my list is LONG. I'm going on a trip when I graduate dental school this spring, and I think it will be to Thailand, which has always been very high on my list. Peru and Chile are up there, and I want to go to Ireland for some book research on an idea I have brewing.

My signature drink: I love a good French 75 because ordering it makes me feel just the right amount of pretentious.

Favorite artist: Salvador Dali. Something about his work makes my brain hum in harmony. I've visited his museum in Florida and spent HOURS walking around. I'd love to travel to Spain to see his museum there as well. His creativity was somehow out of this world but also relatable, and I'm always amazed by his paintings.

Number one on my bucket list: See Machu Picchu! My boyfriend and I are in a perpetual argument over whether it's better to hike up there or take the train (which has a glass ceiling, mind you). I'm firmly team train.

Anything else you'd like to add: I am neurodiverse and write books that celebrate love for every brain!

Find more from the author:

  • https://twitter.com/foxygrandpa27

  • https://www.instagram.com/romance.in.the.wild/

Author Bio: Mazey Eddings is a neurodiverse author, dentist, and (most importantly) stage mom to her cats, Yaya and Zadie. She can most often be found reading romance novels under her weighted blanket and asking her boyfriend to bring her snacks. She’s made it her personal mission in life to destigmatize mental health issues and write love stories for every brain. With roots in Ohio and North Carolina, she now calls Philadelphia home.

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The Tobacco Wives

The Tobacco Wives

A Brush with Love

A Brush with Love