Author Interview with Mandy Robotham


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Mandy Robotham

Mandy Robotham

Author Interview - Mandy Robotham

Author of The Secret Messenger.

Author I draw inspiration from:

Jane Austen - so far ahead of her time, feisty brain in a difficult time for women

Favorite place to read a book:

I'm in heaven in a cafe with a good coffee beside me, with a buzz of people as my cushion. But I read every night tucked under my duvet, especially nice and cosy in winter

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with:

Mr Darcy - I'd pick his brains as to what men really thought of women then.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:

Age nine - I read 'Harriet the Spy', a classic American children's book, and I wanted to be her - the writer more than the spy. I wandered around the school playground clutching my notebook and trying to the write a book, which always ended up being the same plot as 'Harriet'. Although it took me until into the my 50's the achieve it, I never lost sight of the dream, of holding my own book one day. It was a very good day when it happened; I will admit to smelling the pages when I handled the first copy.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook:

I love the feel of a hardback, but mostly paperbacks, for convenience. Much like knitting, I'll read anywhere. I do read e.books, but not so great before trying to sleep.

The last book I read:

Things in Jars, by Jess Kidd - brilliant characters. I love historical novels with a crime twist.

Pen & paper or computer:

Both - I start a new notebook for each planned book, and hand write all my notes, ideas, character names etc. It's my constant companion for when I start to write on the keyboard. I know I'm ready to write when I start thinking of scenes and conversations with the characters, and I almost have to stop myself from splurging on screen.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:

Elizabeth Bennett - Pride & Prejudice. I love strong women with a spark, those who will question everything and are not afraid to say a resounding 'no'. I think I'd tell her that what she's doing and thinking is right - and it will get better! Not perfect, but better.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a:

I was a birth-centre midwife for twenty years, and I've only just left to write full-time. But I have always had an inkling to work in a mortuary - fascinated with the processes that go on after life. Luckily, I'm not squeamish. It's not unusual for retired midwives to go into end of life care, either, something about both the beginning and the end being important.

Favorite decade in fashion history:

The 1960's. I would have loved to been a young woman then - the colours, the shapes and the total abandon of anything conservative. Nothing was out of bounds. Mary Quant is among my heroes.

Place I’d most like to travel:

Venice - always. But aside from that, to explore more of Denmark in a camper van. I adore Copenhagen as a city and I'd love to go further afield.

My signature drink:

Hot - flat white. Cold - a good Margarita with a salt rim can turn any bad day into a good one.

Favorite artist:

Pablo Picasso - a genius. Can I have two? In which case, it's Hockney.

Number one on my bucket list:

Well, it was to have a book published. So now I suppose it's to spend a month in New York, walking the city endlessly and visiting the best coffee shops and museums/art galleries.

Anything else you'd like to add:

Thank you for having me. And a message to any budding authors out there - just do it. Ideas are great but you can't pitch words you don't have. So just write - scribble something every day. Use local writing groups, or online - it's a great motivation. Writing is fun when it's going well, but it's also a discipline. Any successful writer has to work hard at it, like wading through treacle with your legs tied together at times, but it's like a hard run - you feel great once you've done it.

Find more from the author:

  • Twitter: @MandyRobothamUK

  • Facebook: Mandy Robotham - Author

  • Midwife Instagram: robothammandy

About Mandy Robotham:

Author Interview - Mandy Robotham

I'm a former journalist who turned to midwifery when I had my first son, Harry. Writing never left me through years of being with women at birth, but it did take a back seat for a while. Once the boys (there was Finn - son, no.2) had grown up, I realised there was no excuse. My first novel, The German Midwife, emerged out of a Master's degree in Creative Writing at Oxford Brookes University, and I'm lucky enough to have books three and four on the way, having gained an agent alongside Harper Collins as a publisher. I'm a very happy scribe and proud to call myself a writer at last!

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