Author Interview with Lyn Liao Butler


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Lyn Liao Butler

Lyn Liao Butler

Author Interview - Lyn Liao Butler

Author of The Tiger Mom's Tale

Lexa Thomas has never quite fit in. Having grown up in a family of blondes while more closely resembling Constance Wu, she's neither White enough nor Asian enough. Visiting her father in Taiwan as a child, Lexa thought she'd finally found a place where she belonged. But that was years ago, and even there, some never truly considered her to be a part of the family.

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Author I draw inspiration from: Liane Moriarty. She is my all time favorite author. Her books got me through a very bad time in my life. She is the one who inspired me to be a writer, to share my stories with the world and maybe help someone else who needed to hear the words.

Favorite place to read a book: I read anywhere and everywhere. There is always a book attached to me, and I read while eating, walking, outside, inside and everywhere. When I was younger, I used to read 5 7 books a week. So my answer is, as long as I have a book in hand, that's my favorite place to read.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Millie from A Little Bit of Grace by Phoebe Fox. What an amazing and interesting woman. I'd love to talk to her and get her take on life.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: January 1, 2015. For some reason, I woke up that day and said, I'm going to write a book. I've never considered writing a novel before, even though I'm such an avid reader. Well, that's inaccurate. When I was in college, I thought I would write a book and started one. It was so bad that I put it away and decided I was never going to be a writer. But then 2015 happened and I started writing. I've never taken a writing class before so it was a lot of learning from other writers and paying attention to how authors structured a plot, developed a character or paced their books in all the reading I was doing.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I love trade paperbacks. They're the perfect size and light enough to cart around in my bag. I'm also starting to learn to love ebooks for the convenience. I can always pull a book up on my phone and read it if I don't have a book with me. This satisfies my craving for books because before ebooks, I would literally read cereal boxes or labels of things if I didn't have a book to read.

The last book I read: WIld Women and the Blues by Denny S. Bryce

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. I type faster than I write and I take my laptop almost everywhere with me.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I can't think of any one specifically. I'll have to get back to you on this one. :)

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I'm a fitness and yoga teacher, as well as a purse designer for an Etsy shop, so that's what I'm doing when I'm not writing. It's the perfect balance for me.

Favorite decade in fashion history: I don't know fashion at all so I can't answer that question - lol.

Place I’d most like to travel: Kauai will always be my number one choice, but I'd love to travel all through Asia. I've only been to Taiwan, China and Thailand. I would love to explore the other countries and eat all the foods, especially Japan, Korea and Vietnam. I dream about Asian food and would love to do a food tour throughout Asia.

My signature drink: Bubble tea! I am addicted to bubble tea, specifically mango green tea with bubbles. Or passionfruit flavor. And if you're talking alcoholic drinks, Pinot Grigio or sauvignon blanc are my go to wines.

Favorite artist: I'm going to go with favorite recording artist since I don't have a favorite fine artist. My favorite songs are Viva la Vida by Cold Play, and Human by The Killers. There's something about both songs that makes me happy whenever I hear them. I could have the two songs on repeat all day long and feel my mood lift.

Number one on my bucket list: To be able to live in Kauai for five months and in New York for the other seven months out of the year. I'm a hot weather person so it would be a dream to be able to get out of New York during the cold snowy months and spend it in Kauai, one of my favorite places in the world.

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Author Bio: Lyn Liao Butler was born in Taiwan and moved to the States when she was seven. In her past and present lives, she has been: a concert pianist, a professional ballet and modern dancer, a gym and fitness studio owner, a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, an RYT-200 hour certified yoga instructor, a purse designer and most recently, author of multi-cultural fiction. Her mother swears she was not a Tiger Mom to Lyn. Lyn came about her over-achieving all by herself.

Having lived in New York City for over a decade, Lyn fled for the peace and quiet of the suburbs when she married her FDNY husband. She now resides on a lake with her Fireman, their son (the happiest little boy in the world) and their two stubborn dachshunds, Pinot and Lokie. When she is not torturing clients or talking to imaginary characters, Lyn enjoys cooking, sewing purses for her Etsy shop, spending time with her family and trying crazy yoga poses on her stand-up paddleboard. So far, she has not fallen into the water yet.

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