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Lisa Renee Jones

Lisa Renee Jones

Author Interview - Lisa Renee Jones

Author of The Poet

“Some of you know I write romance and thrillers, but even the majority of my romances are rooted in suspense and mystery. Suspense is what makes my fingers hum, challenges my mind, and is always where I feel I’m at my best. Considering my husband is obsessed with serial killers aka Michael Meyers you can bet he always has his two cents to add to my thriller endeavors. However, he’d also put a zombie in everything if I'd let him, ha! While I enjoy writing mysteries in a big way, I'm not sure my husband’s cousin, a detective in Houston, enjoys just how many times I call him to get every detail perfect! :) I seriously called him a while back and asked: “What's a unique way to kill someone?” Yes. I’m sure we are all on the FBI watch list!

That said, inside the pages of The Poet is a world of twisted mysteries, murder, sinister adversaries, and one woman who is dead set on bringing all of that danger to an end when it threatens her very existence. I absolutely love writing about two intelligent people like Samantha Jazz and The Poet (evil intelligent!), battling it out, good versus evil, for who ends up the winner. I fell in love with Sam's sometimes dysfunctional desire to do her job and catch killers. I hope you will as well, since next year will bring The Girl Who Forgot, also starring Samantha Jazz.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Sandra Brown started out like me writing category romance. Not only do I love her books, but many, many years back I read an interview with her that really encouraged me in my goals to diversify. 

Favorite place to read a book: I listen to books on audio with my husband while we take five-mile walks. We enjoy sharing the book. 

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Lilah Love from my Lilah love series. Lilah would make it interesting. She’s dark, edgy, and says what everyone else wishes they could say but will not dare.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I had done some independent film and somehow ended up owning a large staffing company. I was itching for a creative outlet. One day in the airport I grabbed a book and said: for once I’m not working on the plane. I miss reading. And after I gobbled up that book, I said, I’m going to write a book. And I did. Quickly. Of course, it was horrible, but book two came quickly afterward and I never stopped writing. It wasn’t long until I sold my company and committed full time to writing.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Audio. The only time I get to read is by way of listening at the gym or while walking with my husband. 

The last book I read: The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson. Excellent thriller! Unpredictable. 

Pen & paper or computer: Computer for sure. 

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I have to say Lilah Love, which I know is cheating since it’s my series, but she’s such a fun character to write. She says whatever comes to her mind without a filter, has a penchant for the F-word, and is tough as nails. She’d be protective, but also wildly blunt which every woman needs in a best friend.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I can’t even imagine being anything else at this point in my life.

Favorite decade in fashion history: 80’s if we can delete the permed hair. Those were just good times.

Place I’d most like to travel: I’ve been to Paris, Italy, Germany, and London. Next year I’m going to Ireland, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand—and I can’t wait! I’m sure there’s other places I would love to travel to, but where I’ve been and where I’m going are dream places. 

My signature drink: White Mocha or White Russian.

Favorite artist: Thomas Kinkade. We have his art pretty heavily throughout our house.

Number one on my bucket list: Traveling.

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The Poet

The Poet