Author Interview - Kirsty Manning


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Kirsty Manning

Kirsty Manning

Author Interview - Kirsty Manning

Author of The Lost Jewels.

Author I draw inspiration from: A.S. Byatt

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Favorite place to read a book: Beside an open fire

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Lisbeth Salander because she'd know how to get us out of there!

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I wrote my memoir in grade 5!

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback, but audiobook for a road-trip

The last book I read: The Guest List by Lucy Foley

Pen & paper or computer: Both! Pen and paper for my noodling and notebooks, computer for actual work.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Circe

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Book editor or journalist (I was both before becoming and author)

Favorite decade in fashion history: This one, because I get to wear it.

Place I’d most like to travel: Morocco

My signature drink: Negroni, or a French Chardonnay

Favorite artist: Christo

Number one on my bucket list: At the moment we are in full lockdown in Victoria, Australia, so I'm dreaming of a holiday! But I'll settle for dinner at a beautiful restaurant.

Anything else you'd like to add: The Lost Jewels is based on a true story. Did you know over 500 precious jewels and gemstones were dug up on in Cheapside, London, in 1912? The novel started when I asked: why would someone bury their jewels and never return?

Find more from the author:

  • @kirstymanningau (instagram)

  • Kirsty Manning-Writer (Facebook)

Author Bio: Kirsty Manning has degrees in literature and communications and worked as an editor and publishing manager in book publishing for over a decade. A country girl with wanderlust, her travels and studies have taken her through most of Europe, east and west coasts of the USA and pockets of Asia. She lives in Victoria, Australia.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Emily Liebert

Emily Liebert

The Lost Jewels

The Lost Jewels