Author Interview with Kelsey Gietl


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Kelsey Gietl

Kelsey Gietl

Author Interview - Kelsey Gietl

Author of Broken Lines.

“With the threat of the Great War looming at America’s doorstep, fear of immigrant disloyalty has become enough to divide the nation. So when German-born Amara Müller’s brother decides to join the fight, he leaves her behind in St. Louis with one final directive: Stay safe. There’s only one certain way to keep herself out of suspicion’s spotlight, but will she have the courage to see it through?

Accustomed to a strict diet of cigars and spirits, Emil Kisch has become the master of a worry-free good time. And as one of St. Louis’s best morality squad detectives, he’s able to skirt the drinking laws as easily as he arrests others for breaking them. To him, war is a problem for other men. Until one night he makes a mistake that even a glass of whiskey can’t wash away. Is it too late to reverse the course set in motion?

As their lives are intertwined with the fate of the war, Emil and Amara must fight to save what they both hold most dear. But which side of the line do you stand on when your allegiance belongs to both?”

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Author I draw inspiration from: So many! How can you make me choose only one? If I must choose, I'm going to step outside my historical fiction box and say Stan Lee. His ideas inspired a worldwide phenomenon with characters displaying a range of abilities and physical characteristics, offering something relatable for nearly everyone. The Marvel universe also includes a good deal of crossover so you can truly fall in love with the world and gain excitement every time you see a minor character come back for a major role or vice versa. Crossover is something I really enjoy seeing in novels, which is why I incorporate it into my own.

Favorite place to read a book: The beach, no contest. But since I live about 12 hours from there, my usual spot is on the family room couch with the TV on and my family all around me.

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Mary Magdalene from the Bible. I would really love to hear her story in her own words.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I always liked to write, but I don't think I really knew that dream was possible until my 6th grade English teacher said I should be published.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: I work on a computer for my day job and on a computer to write my novels, so I prefer to read physical books whenever I can. I also like the ability to easily turn back whenever I want to reference something again, or sometimes even flip forward to find a good part, then enjoy the excitement of reading up to it. (Yes, I know this is against the rules of reading.) As for audio books, I've just never really been able to get into them. Typically, I either don't care for the narrator or tune them out as background noise.

The last book I read: A Class Forsaken by Susie Murphy

Author Interview - Kelsey Gietl

Author Interview - Kelsey Gietl

Pen & paper or computer: Both. I prefer the computer because my typing can keep up with my brain better than a pen and paper. But I have a notebook for quick ideas when there isn't time to type them out.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Josie from my work-in-progress, Unsettled Shores. She's a determined woman who doesn't care for too much drama in her life, preferring to get down to business and solve problems. But she also had a tender loving side when it comes to those closest to her. She'll go to the ends of the earth in order to do the right thing and won't let anything, including a world war, stand in her way.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: I actually have a day job that I really enjoy as a proposal manager. I get to write, edit, and research all day then do more of the same in the evening and on weekends for my novels. And if you're wondering, no, it isn't too much reading. (Is there such a thing?)

Favorite decade in fashion history: The 1910's. This decade was a time of significant change, especially in women's clothing as the suffragettes were gaining ground and World War I set in and more women were joining the workforce. This is the time period that I write in and it has been fun to clothe my characters in a variety of costumes from Edwardian ball gowns to a simple shirtwaist and skirt to a fitted day suit.

Place I’d most like to travel: There are many places I'd like to travel, but right now I would love to just sit on the beach and read for a week (or two).

My signature drink: I actually don't like alcohol and I can't tolerate caffeine, so I pretty much stick with water. There is, however, a delicious herbal tea that I enjoy from my favorite local coffee shop.

Favorite artist: Claude Monet. The waterlilies and footbridge paintings are my favorites.

Number one on my bucket list: Someone asked me this once and I couldn't think of anything good, so I gave the most cliche answer: "Die happy." But the more I've thought about it, I think that's actually the right answer for me. I really just want to die knowing I had a good life with my family and friends. One of my favorite quotes is, "Not every day is good, but there is something good in every day." I've tried to take this to heart and it has really helped keep a positive outlook, especially with all the uncertainty in our world right now.

Anything else you'd like to add: Ashley, thank you so much for the opportunity to share a little about me with you!

Find more from the author:

  • Instagram: @kelseygietl_author

  • Facebook: @kelseygietlauthor

  • Twitter: @kelseygietl

Author Bio: Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Kelsey Gietl grew up with a love of books and excessive use of her library card. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design and Graphic Design from Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, and has made a career in fields from event planning and proposal writing to product management and communications. Her novels stem from her belief that the present reflects the past, and always involve a healthy dose of romance and a touch of intrigue.

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