Jessica Branton
Author Interview - Jessica Branton
Author I draw inspiration from: Definitely John Green, Marissa Meyer, and Maggie Stiefvater. They don't really fit my genre (at least not all of it), but I've read most of their stuff.
Author Interview - Jessica Branton
Favorite place to read a book: Ideally? Somewhere beneath a tree on a cool day. Realistically, I just enjoy curling up on my couch and reading.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter would be fascinating.
Author Interview - Jessica Branton
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I've always liked writing, but in my ninth grade English class I rewrote the ending to Stephen King's The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. I read it out loud to the class and everyone was really encouraging and nice. It inspired me to do something more with my writing.
Author Interview - Jessica Branton
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback preferably, but I love all of them pretty equally except audio books. I can't hear well, so I like the physical books best.
The last book I read: Since I am teaching right now, I reread Heart of Darkness not too long ago.
Author Interview - Jessica Branton
Pen & paper or computer: Computer because I feel so much more efficient. However, it is really nice to write with a pen sometimes.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: This was tough to think about. I really love Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I feel like we could be good friends.
Author Interview - Jessica Branton
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: I am sort of a teacher right now, so we'll go with that. Although, I always liked the idea of being a journalist.
Favorite decade in fashion history: A weird mix between now and Victorian era.
Place I’d most like to travel: All over Europe. I suppose, if I must pick, Ireland would be my first choice right now.
My signature drink: Iced caramel Chai tea latte (only from the coffee shops Elianos and Jittery Joes) or Thai iced tea.
Favorite artist: Paramore is my favorite band of all time and I really want to meet them.
Number one on my bucket list: I know it is cliche, but I'd love to travel the world.
Find more from Jessica Branton: Instagram is where I am most active: @lunajess