Jerry McGill
Author Interview - Jerry McGill
Author of Bed Stuy
This is a novel about many things, but it is mainly the story of a young black waiter from the hard projects of Brooklyn who unexpectedly becomes involved in a loving, passionate relationship with a married, middle aged Jewish musician from Boston. The novel explores the difficulties inherent in a relationship where two people are from such different backgrounds and how often times Love simply isn't enough
Author Interview - Jerry McGill
Author I draw inspiration from: James Baldwin
Author Interview - Jerry McGill | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: In a park on a sunny day
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Owen Meany from A Prayer for Owen Meany
Author Interview - Jerry McGill | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Somewhere around 4th or 5th grade when I started reading Judy Blume to impress a classmate I had a crush on and realized literature was actually cool.
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback, always hardback if possible
The last book I read: The Quiet American by Graham Greene
Author Interview - Jerry McGill | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Sadly, computer. I used to be a pen and paper type
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I don't know about best friends, but i feel I'd have a lot to talk about with Bigger Thomas of Richard Wright's Native Son.
Author Interview - Jerry McGill | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: A very sorry individual.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Uh, hello, the 80s???
Place I’d most like to travel: Australia
My signature drink: Pinot Noir
Favorite artist: May he rest in Peace, Prince
Number one on my bucket list: Write and direct a feature film
Author Bio: I was born in Brooklyn, raised primarily in Manhattan's Lower East Side, and currently reside in Portland, Oregon. I have written a published memoir, Dear Marcus: A Letter To The Man Who Shot Me. I am currently working on a musical, a screenplay, and another novel.