Hilde Lysiak
Author Interview - Hilde Lysiak
Author of Hilde on the Record: Memoir of a Kid Crime Reporter
A memoir full or murder, bullying, shootings and life growing up as a reporter in the national spotlight and how easily our self perceptions can be shaped by those around us if we aren’t steadfast in our authentic selves.
Author Interview - Hilde Lysiak
Author I draw inspiration from: Otessa Moshfegh. Her characters are living breathing people.
Author Interview - Hilde Lysiak | Author I Draw Inspiration From
Favorite place to read a book: On the floor of my bedroom. My parents hate that.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Jo March from Little Woman. Reckless. Daring. Love everything about her.
Author Interview - Hilde Lysiak | Book Character I’d Like to be Stuck in an Elevator With
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: At the age of 7 when I held my first print edition of the Orange Street News
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardcover and Ebook
The last book I read: Emma Jane Austen. Five stars.
Author Interview - Hilde Lysiak | The Last Book I Read
Pen & paper or computer: Pen and paper
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Girl, Interrupted: Kaysen, Susanna. Susanna, if you are reading this lets get coffee!
Author Interview - Hilde Lysiak | Book Character I’d be Best Friends With
If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Actress -- the first to die in every season of American Horror Story.
Favorite decade in fashion history: 60's. All about Polka Dot print
Place I’d most like to travel: Southern France. I want to live in a little village and experience great pastries and coffee.
My signature drink: Cold Brew - black
Favorite artist: Tyler the Creator
Number one on my bucket list: Live in Japan
Anything else you'd like to add: I don't like censorship. At all.
Author Bio: Hilde Kate Lysiak is an American journalist who published the Orange Street News, a local newspaper in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania from 2014 to 2019 and in Patagonia, Arizona since 2019. She is the youngest member of the Society of Professional Journalists. She has a book series with Scholastic and a TV mystery series inspired by her life, titled Home Before Dark, premiered on Apple TV+ in April 2020, with Brooklynn Prince playing Lysiak. Lysiak was awarded a Junior Zenger Award for Press Freedom in 2019,[4] given to a journalist who fights for freedom of the press and the people's right to know and became the youngest person in history to ever deliver a commencement speech.