E.G. Scott
Author Interview - E.G. Scott
Author I draw inspiration from: Liz: Patricia Highsmith; Greg: Kevin Barry
Author Interview - E.G. Scott
Favorite place to read a book: Liz: On the beach; Greg: In a hammock
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Liz: Sherlock Holmes; Greg: Lila Mae Watson, The Intuitionist, by Colson Whitehead
Author Interview - E.G. Scott
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Liz: When I was five and my mom read "The Secret Garden' to me; Greg: Gripping my chore money and feverishly selecting titles at the book fair in my elementary school gymnasium
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Liz: Hardback; Greg: Hardback
The last book I read: Liz: A Stir of Echoes by Richard Matheson; Greg: Sabrina & Corina, by Kali Fajardo-Anstine
Author Interview - E.G. Scott
Pen & paper or computer: Liz: Pen & paper; Greg: Pen & paper
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Liz: Anne of Green Gables; Greg: Sancho Panza, Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes
Author Interview - E.G. Scott
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Liz: Disaster; Greg: Chef
Favorite decade in fashion history: Liz: 1960's (minus the pointy bras); Greg: The 1970's
Place I’d most like to travel: Liz: Bora Bora; Greg: Southern Spain
My signature drink: Liz: Sparkling Hibiscus Tea; Greg: Iced tea (with or w/o bourbon)
Favorite artist: Liz: Hokusai; Greg: Georges Braque
Number one on my bucket list: Liz: Drawing and writing a graphic novel; Greg: A cameo appearance on an episode of Black Monday
Anything else you'd like to add: Liz: The character I'd least like to be stuck in an elevator with would be Patrick Bateman.
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Author Bio: E. G. Scott is the shared pseudonym of authors Elizabeth Keenan and Greg Wands, whose debut novel, The Woman Inside, was an international bestseller published in 2019. Friends for over two decades, they have acted, produced, and written–together and separately–for the stage, screen, and print. In their former lives, Elizabeth was in book publishing for eighteen years and a writing workshop leader for the NY Writers Coalition, and her work has appeared in numerous short story collections. Greg worked at the NYC institution, Corner Bistro, while penning short fiction and screen projects and volunteering with 826NYC as part of their student creative writing program. They both reside in the West Village of Manhattan.
Author Interview - E.G. Scott