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E.A. Barres

E.A. Barres

Author Interview - E.A. Barres

Author of They're Gone

“Two women's husbands are murdered on the same night in the same way--and their investigation uncovers a terrifying connection.”

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Author I draw inspiration from: Lawrence Block

Favorite place to read a book: On a plane. I hate flying, so reading a book on a plane distracts me from the annoyances of air travel. It's so easy to get lost in a story when you need distraction.

Of course, this means I haven't read a book since March (just kidding).

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Oh man, I really can't think of anyone. I'm not bad at small talk, but I'd hate to have to make it for more than, say, ten minutes. Also, just thinking about being stuck in an elevator makes me want to use the bathroom. So I'd need someone who wouldn't judge me. I guess I'd go with Rabbit Angstrom from Updike's "Rabbit" novels. He might judge me for peeing in the corner, but I could come back at him with stuff like, "Well, you slept with your son's wife." Pretty even ground.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: Like most writers, I loved writing early on, but I didn't seriously entertain the idea of writing professionally until I graduated college and got a job answering phones as a receptionist. Everyone who called was rude to me and I realized, dude, I need to do something that will make me happy.
Writing makes me happy.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Definitely paperback. I write in my books and dog-ear the pages like some kind of monster, so I need something that can take a beating and doesn't cost a ton of money. That said, everyone please spend a lot of me and buy my hardback when it comes out on November 10.

The last book I read: To my shame, I'd never read Tana French, so I finally read IN THE WOODS and was just blown away. Such good prose, along with beautifully drawn characters and an aching love story. All of this alongside a brutal crime. I think I have to read all her books now.

Pen & paper or computer: Both. I find that when writing, the words read differently from pen and paper to computer (and even more when read aloud). There's a change that occurs. But writing by hand hurts and takes a while. I hate that it's necessary. Hands suck.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Do graphic novels count? Because I recently read Kelly Thompson's HAWKEYE, about a female version of the superhero, and loved it. Her. She and I would be best friends. She'd solve crimes with a bow and arrow, and I'd...I don't know what I'd bring to the relationship. Oh no. I'd be Xander to her Buffy. Dammit.

If I weren’t an author, I’d be a: Playboy/philanthropist/millionaire.

Favorite decade in fashion history: It has to be the 90s. Most of my style is still back there. Open flannel shirt, solid color t-shirt, braided belt and a backward baseball cap. STYLE.

Yes, I worked at American Eagle Outfitters, why do you ask?

Place I’d most like to travel: I really want to go to Norway. I have a friend there and, back when I lived in Europe, it was the most beautiful country I visited. I'd like to take my wife and son there, and we could make snow angels and get cheap healthcare.

My signature drink: Guinness. Hard alcohol and wine hurt my stomach but, for some reason, dark beer doesn't bother me. That's because it's probably healthy for you. #Science

Favorite artist: Any kind of art? For paintings, it's Hopper. For music, it's the rap group Atmosphere. Anyone who can listen to "The Abusing of the Rib" and still claim that rap isn't music, or art, is criminal. Again, #Science.

Number one on my bucket list: I want to punch a shark.

Find more from the author:

  • https://www.facebook.com/EAymarWriter/

  • https://twitter.com/EAAymar

  • https://www.instagram.com/eaaymar/

Author Bio: E.A. Aymar’s next thriller, THEY'RE GONE, will be published in November under his pseudonym E.A. Barres. His past thrillers include 2019's THE UNREPENTANT, which is currently an Anthony nominee for Best Paperback Original. He has a monthly column in the Washington Independent Review of Books and is a former member of the national board of the International Thriller Writers. He is also an active member of Crime Writers of Color, the Mystery Writers of America and SinC, runs the Noir at the Bar series for Washington, D.C., and has hosted and spoken at a variety of crime fiction, writing, and publishing events nationwide.

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Chasing Lucky

Chasing Lucky

They're Gone

They're Gone