Danielle Teller


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Danielle Teller

Danielle Teller

Author Interview - Danielle Teller

Author I draw inspiration from: Margaret Atwood

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Author she draws inspiration from

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Author she draws inspiration from

Favorite place to read a book: In the papasan chair in my backyard

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Mark Watney from The Martian. He could probably get the elevator started again.

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Book character she'd like to be stuck in an elevator with

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Book character she'd like to be stuck in an elevator with

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: When I was in first grade, and the grownups oohed and ahed over my poems about bunny rabbits and kittens.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: All of the above! It depends on the book and why I'm reading it.

The last book I read: Circe by Madeline Miller

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | The last book she read

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | The last book she read

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. Always.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Jo March from Little Women

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Book character she'd be best friends with

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Book character she'd be best friends with

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Physician-scientist. I worked in that field for twenty years and loved it.

Favorite decade in fashion history: Regency fashion (as in Jane Austen novels). I love white fabric, square necklines and most of all empire waists—so you never have to worry about sucking in your belly!

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Favorite decade in fashion history

Author Interview - Danielle Teller | Favorite decade in fashion history

Place I’d most like to travel: Italy. Over and over again. (See "empire waists")

My signature drink: "Monogamy," which is a lemon rosemary martini that I only drink with my husband.

Favorite artist: Vincent van Gogh

Number one on my bucket list: Visiting Newfoundland, the only Canadian province I have never visited

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Book Jacket Designs by Leo Nickolls

Book Jacket Designs by Leo Nickolls

All the Ever Afters

All the Ever Afters