Beth Kendrick


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Beth Kendrick

Beth Kendrick

Author Interview - Beth Kendrick

Author I draw inspiration from: Jane Porter and Jenn McKinlay provide constant inspiration, both personally and professionally. They’re brilliant, innovative, hard-working authors who manage to succeed on all fronts while maintaining a sense of humor.

Favorite place to read a book: A luxurious Parisian hotel suite with a bottomless box of bonbons and a view of the Eiffel Tower. Hey, a girl can dream…

 Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. I suspect she could impart some really good parenting advice. 

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Paperbacks. Now, always, and forever.

The last book I read: “Good Luck with That” by Kristan Higgins. A bookseller friend promised that it would make me laugh, cry, and laugh again. He spoke the truth!

Pen & paper or computer: Computer. My handwriting is so bad, I can’t decipher it half the time.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with: Well, I know I’d be besties with Summer Benson, the heroine who kicked off the Black Dog Bay series. Writing is just a socially acceptable way to have imaginary friends.

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Spa quality assurance field agent.

My signature drink: Coppola blanc de blanc in a pink can with a wee straw. Aka the “Aluminum Muse.” I’m nothing if not refined.

Favorite piece of art: “Empire of Light” by Rene Magritte. I have a print of the painting hanging my office. For me, it evokes everything that’s wonderful and mysterious about writing—the seen and the unseen, what we show others and what we only sense under the surface.

Anything else you'd like to add - particularly about your dog? And maybe a photo of your dog? :) :


My dog, Friday, is canine perfection. He was a rescue dog who came to us covered in puncture wounds and bald patches. He was in such rough shape, the vet thought he might have Valley Fever. Plus, he hadn’t been socialized properly, so he was always nervous wreck. And now, many years and countless vet bills later…behold! He has sprawled on my office floor and kept my feet warm for at least 10 books.

 (Full disclosure: he’s still deathly afraid of lawn sprinklers. And cats. And plastic bags blowing in the wind.)

There is a handsome, charismatic canine named Friday in this book. Everyone loves him and wants to take him home. I keep assuring my Friday that this character is not based on him and that any resemblance to actual dogs, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, but he’s not buying it.

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