Annie Ward
Author Interview - Annie Ward
Author I draw inspiration from: J. K. Rowling. There have been times in my life when I felt I was the end of my rope. I was sure I would never be published again and if I was, I still wouldn’t be able to help support our family. In those times I would think of the stories I’d heard about J.K. Rowling, a single mom with big dreams, outlining her masterpieces in a café while her infant daughter slept in a stroller nearby. This would give me the inspiration to keep going.
Author Interview - Annie Ward
Favorite place to read a book: I really enjoy reading at the gym. I know this sounds kind of foolish, but sometimes it’s satisfying to accomplish two things at once; digging into that book and pedaling around on the stationary bike. I know I’m not really getting a workout, but it’s still a happy place for me.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Cormoran Strike. He’s my big fiction crush.
Author Interview - Annie Ward
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I won a city-wide poetry contest when I was sixteen. My mom and I were invited to a hotel in downtown Kansas City for an awards ceremony. Someone read my poem out loud and my mom was beaming with pride. I knew I would keep writing at that point.
Hardback, paperback, eBook or audiobook: Hardback at home, paperback at the beach, and eBook if you’re going to be stuck somewhere it’s very dark. I’ve never gotten into audiobooks but that might be about to change. I’ve heard the voice-over actors who read BEAUTIFUL BAD did amazing work.
Author Interview - Annie Ward
The last book I read: A LADDER TO THE SKY by John Boyne was the last book I finished, and I’ve just started MY YEAR OF REST AND RELAXATION by Ottessa Moshfegh.
Author Interview - Annie Ward
Pen & paper or computer: Both! I love going to a cozy, casual restaurant between the lunch and dinner crowd and editing or writing notes. (I don’t usually write prose long hand, just ideas.) When I get home, it’s back to the computer and that’s where the real work happens. I would be happiest with days that included a little of each.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I’m a middle-aged mom now, but when I read SWEETBITTER a couple of years ago, I felt like I understood Tess pretty well. She’s a little wild and immature with a dark streak, but also caring, smart, lusty, adventurous and tough. Had I met Tess in my twenties while I lived in New York City I’m pretty sure we would have been friends.
Author Interview - Annie Ward
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Teacher. (Specifically, a P.E. teacher!) I was part of the P.E. staff at a private school in Manhattan for several years and it was one of the most enjoyable and rewarding jobs of my life.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Eighties goth. Hands down. No question. If I could still dress like Siouxsie Sioux or Robert Smith without giving my children some sort of panic attack, I probably would. I still have a tendency to dress in all black and I love platform boots.
Place I’d most like to travel: I was an exchange student to Spain was I was in high-school and I haven’t been back since my early twenties. I am very ready to take my kids to Spain to see Flamenco, the Alhambra, eat tapas and enjoy the beach and friendly people. Spain is top on my list at the moment.
My signature drink: Pretty boring. Just red wine. Sometimes white. Crazy!
Favorite artist: Gustav Klimt. I love his erotic, colorful and gilded paintings. I used to decorate my bedroom and dorm room with prints of his when I was young because they gave me this mysterious sense of spirituality, romance and beauty.
Number one on my bucket list: To get away from the suburbs with my husband and kids to a place where we can hike, swim, read, nap and laugh without worrying about homework, dental appointments, soccer practice, PTA events, home repairs, land-scaping, girls’ night out, non-stop bills and play-dates at Dave N Busters. This is likely never going to happen, but when I think about what I really want before I die, it’s to have a little quiet chapter on my own away from it all like that with my boys and husband.
Anything else you'd like to add: Thank you for taking the time to get to know me!
Find more from Annie Ward: My website has links to my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. (Also, things I’d like to get away from, but that’s not going to happen any time soon 😊