
Welcome to Hasty Book List, where I document and review the books I read. Hope you have a nice stay!

Amanda Quick

Amanda Quick

Author Interview with Amanda Quick aka Jayne Ann Krentz

Author I draw inspiration from:  Anne McCaffrey.  Her futuristic romance, RESTOREE changed my life.

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

Favorite place to read a book:  Airplanes (minimal interruptions) 

Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: No book character would want to be stuck with me in an elevator.  One word: claustrophobia.

The moment I knew I wanted to become an author:  I was in my early twenties when I suddenly decided that I wanted to tell a story my way.  I didn't think I could write better than the authors I was reading -- just had to explore my own core story.  Every author has one.

Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Hardback. The print is too small in paperbacks and reading on an ereader makes me anxious -- probably because I work on a computer all day. 

The last book I read: Christina Dodd's WHAT DOESN'T KILL HER.  Very cool suspense.  The heroine has been a little different ever since she took that gunshot wound to the head.

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

Pen & paper or computer: Computer.  It's the only way my fingers can keep up with my thoughts.

Book character I think I’d be best friends with:  Veronica Speedwell from Deanna Raybourn's mystery series. The latest title is A DANGEROUS COLLABORATION.  The setting is Late Victorian but Veronica is definitely not your grandmother's Victorian lady. She's got a skillset that includes an expertise in knife throwing.  She's also got a healthy libido.

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

If I wasn’t an author, I’d be an:  Unpublished author.  I'm afraid that the writing is something of an addiction. Couldn't stop if I tried.

Favorite decade in fashion history:  1930s 

Place I’d most like to travel: Antarctica.

My signature drink: Red wine. 

Favorite artist: Gabriele at Murphyties.com.  She's a Pacific Northwest artist who makes spectacular silk scarves -- wearable art. I own a dozen.

Number one on my bucket list:  I'm an optimist by nature so I don't think in terms of a bucket list.  Sounds much too final.

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

Author Interview with Amanda Quick

By Amanda Quick
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Mistress of the Ritz

Mistress of the Ritz

