Allison Winn Scotch
Author Interview - Allison Winn Scotch
Author I draw inspiration from: Honestly, I can’t pinpoint just one. I am lucky to count so many as friends and inspirations – I read a lot, and part of the reason I do is not just for entertainment but because I am also always learning from my peers. My attitude is that a rising tide lifts all boats, so I am always happy to be in the company of likeminded, smart, supportive writers.
Favorite place to read a book: In bed! I read every night as a way to unwind from the day, which is even more critical right now during the pandemic. I can’t really fall asleep without spending at least 30 minutes lost in a book.
Book character I’d like to be stuck in an elevator with: Cleo McDougal, of course! I’d have a lot to chat with her about, and besides, she could probably get the elevator back up and working in no time.
Author Interview - Allison Winn Scotch
The moment I knew I wanted to become an author: I was reading my alumni magazine and saw that a woman a few years ahead of me – Sarah Dunn, who is a wonderful author, had published her second book. I’d always wanted to write fiction but had always just thought of it in “someday” terms. When I read that little blurb, I was working as a freelance magazine writer, and I just thought: “why not me, why not now?” I’ve gotten to know Sarah a bit in the years since, and I thanked her for the unknowing kick in the butt.
Author Interview - Allison Winn Scotch
Hardback, paperback, ebook or audiobook: Ebook! I know that might sound like sacrilege, but I love the ease of just clicking a button to turn the page (so I can tuck my full body under the covers but for one arm), and I love being able to access a book immediately when I decide I want to read it. That said, I often do buy friends’ books from independent bookstores because I always want to support them.
The last book I read: The Last Flight by Julie Clark. Amazing, fantastic, have recommended it widely.
Author Interview - Allison Winn Scotch
Pen & paper or computer: Oh computer! Always.
Book character I think I’d be best friends with: I know you’re don’t really want me to say mine but since they are fresh in my mind, I’m going with Gabrielle, Cleo’s chief of staff, and all around no-nonsense but still an absolute blast and true-to-herself kick ass lady. I love her.
If I wasn’t an author, I’d be a: Maybe a songwriter or an actor? A lot of similar threads in terms of skill sets as an author, and I love both music and tv/film.
Favorite decade in fashion history: Well it’s certainly not the 80s, which is when I grew up. Probably the ‘70s. I love the free expression hippee-esque style. Obviously mistakes were also made but there are a lot of good elements to be curated from that era.
Place I’d most like to travel: Right now??!?!? Anywhere!!! That said, my heart is in Paris and I love Tuscany. I’d do anything to get back there. South America is also on our list once we get out of our current hellscape.
My signature drink: Riesling. (Boring, sorry, I know!)
Favorite artist: I’m not sure if this means painting artist or just artist, like a creative, so I’m going to go with musicians, and right now, that’s The Chicks.
Number one on my bucket list: Well, I don’t know if this is really a bucket list type of thing but we want to retire on a farm and open up a senior dog sanctuary.
Find more from the author:
I’m @aswinn on both Instagram and twitter