5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For


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5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For

1. Little Free Libraries

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Little Free Library

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Little Free Library

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Little Free Library

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Little Free Library

HBL Note: If you haven't visited a Little Free Library near you, you're missing out! Perhaps you've seen them driving around? They are little structures, often resembling a house, that are located in front of homes, in parks, and outside schools. The idea is to leave a book for someone else to read and take a book someone else has left. I LOVE Little Free Libraries and I'm in the process of putting one outside my own home!

About Little Free Libraries

A Little Free Library is a “take a book, return a book” free book exchange. They come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common version is a small wooden box of books. Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share.

Little Free Library book exchanges have a unique, personal touch. There is an understanding that real people are sharing their favorite books with their community; Little Libraries have been called “mini-town squares.”

2. Book Fairies

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | The Book Fairies

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | The Book Fairies

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | The Book Fairies

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | The Book Fairies

HBL Note: I first stumbled across Book Fairies on Instagram - thank you to that little discover option! I love the idea of sharing the books you've read with others by leaving them in an unexpected place for someone else to find. Sadly, I haven't found a Book Fairy book out the wild, but I'm hoping to see one soon! For my Missouri folks - you can follow The Book Fairies of Missouri here; and for my Chicago peeps - following the Chicago Book Fairies here. All others, click here to see if there are book fairies near you! If there aren't, it is time for you to become a book fairy!

About Book Fairies:

The idea of The Book Fairies is simple. There are people who like to read, and to share the books they’ve read. And guess what – everyone loves a nice surprise! These two things come together with The Book Fairies – giving people a chance to pop a sticker and some ribbon on a book, make it a little surprise gift for someone, and leave it somewhere to be discovered!

The Book Fairies can be anywhere, and could be anyone you know. The Book Fairies are not restricted by countries, transport or anything else. If you want to share books, you can get stickers and be a book fairy. If you are a book lover, keep your eye out for a book hiding near you!

3. Books on the Subway

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Books on the Subway

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Books on the Subway

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Books on the Subway

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | Books on the Subway

HBL Note: Calling all New Yorkers! This one is exclusively for you - it is similar to Book Fairies in that books are left in a surprising place and can be easily identified by a sticker on the front. The difference is, these books are always left on the New York Subway. If any of you see a Books on the Subway book after reading this post, tweet me or tag me in your photo on Instagram! I'm planning a trip to NYC within the next year and it may or may not include me hopping on and off the subway in hopes of finding one of these books.

About Books on the Subway:

It’s like a public library, but on the New York Subway.

We go out and leave some of our favorite books on the New York subway. There are new books every day, and they're there to be taken, read, shared, and most importantly, enjoyed! We want everyone to get involved and fall in love with reading again and we want to make the subway a more friendly and enjoyable experience.

So, if you find a book from us on the subway, feel free to pick it up and take it home with you, but when you’re done, be sure to put it back on the subway for someone else to enjoy.

Not a New Yorker? If you're in London, check out Books on the Underground; In Australia? Check out Books on the Rail. In Boston? Check out Books on the T.  There are so many more! Just start Googling.

4. BookCrossing

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | BookCrossing

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | BookCrossing

HBL Note: I just discovered BookCrossing as I was researching to write this post. Again, it is similar to Book Fairies and Books on the Subway - it is all about books being left somewhere for someone else to find. The unique thing about BookCrossing is that if you find a book you can enter a code online and read journal entries from other people who've read the book you found. When you're done reading it, you can write a journal entry and put the back "out in the wild" for someone else to find!

About BookCrossing:

BookCrossing is the act of releasing your books "into the wild" for a stranger to find, or via "controlled release" to another BookCrossing member, and tracking where they go via journal entries from around the world. Our community of passionate, generous book-lovers is changing the world and touching lives, one traveling book at a time. 

5. BookMooch

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | BookMooch

5 Book Sharing Programs to be on the Lookout For | BookMooch

HBL Note: BookMooch takes the idea of book sharing to a global level. Whereas the other book sharing programs mentioned in this post are more about local sharing (either neighborhoods or cities) and the book you find/receive is usually a surprise, BookMooch allows you to share books with people around the world through specific requests. You enter the books you want to giveaway into their database, if someone sees a book they want they'll request it, you mail the books out and you get points to request books from others!

About BookMooch:

Give & receive: Every time you give someone a book, you earn a point and can get any book you want from anyone else at BookMooch. Once you've read a book, you can keep it forever or put it back into BookMooch for someone else, as you wish.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive compensation if you make a purchase using this link. Thank you for supporting this blog and the books I recommend! I may have received a book for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
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