25 Authors and What They'd Be if they Weren't Authors
25 Authors and What They'd Be if they Weren't Authors
Ever wonder what your favorite authors would be doing if they weren’t writing your favorite books? Is writing their full-time job or is it something they do on the side? Do they have secret passions and talents like furniture making or tennis or sand-up comedy? Or would they be unemployed? Scroll down to find out.
Stephanie Dray
unemployed without other marketable skills
Denny S. Bryce
Anyone of the other careers I've had and loved including professional modern dancer in Chicago and New York City, Media Relations Specialist, Owner of my own Event Management, Marketing, and PR firm, amateur Tennis player:)...
RaeAnne Thayne
High school English teacher
Michelle Major
Animal rescue person, librarian, singer/songwriter – but I can’t carry a tune.
Idelle Kursman
Librarian. I love to be surrounded by books.
Jane Healey
product manager in high tech, which I used to be
Lisa Renee Jones
I can’t even imagine being anything else at this point in my life.
Jennifer Dupee
architect or furniture maker
Patti Callahan
interior designer
Harold Schechter
College Professor. Which I was for 42 years.
SJ Bennett
Designer or jazz singer (ideally)
Michael Schauch
Creating some other form of artistic expression.
Debbie Johnson
journalist, probably, as it’s what I did before. And I did love it. But if I was to ever be in a position to retrain and start a new career now, I’d probably be drawn to working with older people or vulnerable adults.
Alexis Landau
Religious Studies professor or art historian
Tatiana de Rosnay
opera singer or rock star
Daniel Pyne
Graphic artist
Christina McDonald
I'd still be writing, just doing digital copywriting for websites rather than telling stories in books.
Jenny LeCoat
Probably retired! But I’ve also been a stand-up comic, a TV presenter, and, since 1994, a TV/ screenwriter, so I’ve had a really fortunate career.
Suzanne Redfearn
I am also an architect, and I still love designing and building the physical world.
MJ Rose
Gabrielle Korn
Being an author is actually my side hustle. I'm a journalist and digital media strategist.
Sue Buyer
Newspaper journalist - which I was before I was an author.
Connie Palmen
Stand-up comedian
Rob Swigart
Neuroscientist or marine biologist or historian or party clown
Serena Burdick
An actor
Jenny Milchman
Psychologist--I practiced psychotherapy for 10 years (left graduate school when the cursed dissertation got me). But writing was always the dream.