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25 Authors and their Favorite Places to Read

25 Authors and their Favorite Places to Read

25 Authors and their Favorite Places to Read


Beverly Gray

In the bathroom. (But don’t tell anybody!)

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Jenni L. Walsh

In bed, e-reader in one hand, glass of wine in the other.

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Danielle Teller

In the papasan chair in my backyard

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Jessica Strawser

On the beach, under an umbrella, with not a person or thing blocking my view of the waves.

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Chloe Benjamin

Tucked into bed.


Susan Jaques

by a fire, with my dog Remy


Marti Green

recliner chair in my lanai


Maureen Callahan

On my couch next to a big window while it rains or snows.


Andrea Thome

In bed or in my screened in porch.

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David Ricciardi

In front of a fire with nasty weather outside.


Colleen D. Scott

I love to read outside on my lanai at home and at the beach whenever I get the opportunity.


C.S. Harris

I read for relaxation last thing at night, curled up in a comfortable armchair with one or more of my (many) cats. On weekends, I love reading on the porch swing of our lake house. It overlooks the water and is surrounded by trees that echo with birdsong.


Lydia Edwards

Lying in bed! There's no better place, and I've felt that way since I was small and devoured books under the duvet with a flashlight. I also have to agree with your previous interviewee, Bridget Quinn: nothing (except bed) quite beats a bath. It may result in some book casualties, but I think a slightly battered book just provides character and shows that it's been loved and enjoyed.


Kate Greathead

A fireplace or my electric fake wood stove.


Bridget Quinn

The tub. I know it shows careless disregard for the well-being of books, but damn I love a long hot soak with a great story.

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Lexie Elliott

Bed. Nothing else comes close.

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Kimmery Martin

I have emergency books stashed everywhere in my house in case of boredom but there is nothing better than reading in my bed. Here’s how big a book nerd I am: I bought a special old-people bed with a remote control that allows me to turn the whole thing into a kind of chaise lounge so I can read sitting up. My husband thinks I’m insane.

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Chanel Cleeton

I love to read curled up in bed into the wee hours when everyone else has gone to sleep.


Tom Hunt

In bed


Jennifer Ashley

At any table, while eating lunch

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Natasha Fraser-Cavassoni

Sitting on my bed with my back leaning against a pile of pillows and my legs pushed up against the wall. It does wonders for the circulation.

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Anne Montgomery

I struggle to find time to read books everyday. Generally, I finally get to crack that Kindle open just before bedtime, and so my favorite spot would be my bed, propped up on myriad pillows, blankets pulled up, my blue-eyed cattle dog Bella on one side and, on occasion, my cat Westin nestled between my knees. Admittedly, I only read about 20 minutes or so before nodding off, still it’s one of my favorite times of the day.


Jessica Keener

In bed or on the couch

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Sofia Segovia

The shower! I learned the Art of Showering While Reading Without Ruining the Book when my children were very young and I wanted to steal a little time for myself. My children are older now, but the shower is still where I read just for fun, for the joy of reading. Nothing work-related in the shower, please! Now, sometimes I listen to an audiobook. It's handsfree and I can read even while doing my makeup.

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Wendy Wax

I usually end up stretched out on the couch or bed. Given a choice I would read on a chaise by the pool, or better yet a towel or cabana on a sandy white beach. Bodies of water are always a plus. I also like to listen to audio books while walking and on long drives.

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