Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish
Book Feature - Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish by Rani Shah
Book Feature - Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish by Rani Shah
HBL Note: If COVID-19 is teaching us nothing else, it is certainly teaching us that we need to slow down and take care of ourselves. Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish: And Other Self-Care Rituals from Nature by Rani Shah could not come at a more perfect time, don’t you think? I desperately need to be a bit more like an oyster, creating a pearl out of something that is invading my space…or the jellyfish which knows when to push and when to take it easy. If you, like me, are in need of a little self-care, then scroll down to purchase your copy and read more about this book.
Book Feature - Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish by Rani Shah
From the publisher:
We could all learn a thing or two about living in balance from our friends in the plant and animal kingdom.
Take, for example, the jellyfish, one of the most energy-efficient animals in the world, moving through the ocean by contracting and relaxing, with frequent breaks in between.
Or the avocado tree, which can credit its existence to a mutually beneficial relationship with the pre-historic sloth, followed by some hungry, hungry humans and the advent of agriculture.
And then there is the oyster, producing a pearl as the result of an immune response when a grain of sand invades her system. What better example exists of how adversity can produce something beautiful?
We need look no farther than nature—from the habits of the porcupine to the sunflower to the wombat to the dragonfly—for small and simple things we can do to slow down, recharge, and living more thoughtfully, lovingly, and harmoniously.
Wisdom From a Humble Jellyfish . . . is at once charming and scientific, packed with essential wisdom and practical tips worth borrowing from our plant and animal friends for life-changing self-care.
Book Feature - Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish by Rani Shah